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第三届工程计算流体力学会议文集 间冷式冰箱蒸发器空气侧流动及换热性能数值模拟 苏秀平,姜彩玲,陈江平,陈芝久 (上海交通大学制冷与低温工程研究所,上海200030) 摘要: 应用CFD分析的方法,研究了间冷式冰箱用翅片管蒸发器空气侧的流动及换热性能。 紊流模型采用标准七啦模型,近壁单元采用标准壁面函数处理。给出了蒸发器中速度、温度、局部 换热系数的分布及各翅片管处的热流率。分析结果显示,蒸发器中流场、温度场及局部换热系数分 布极其不均,包括由于翅片和翅片管的存在所引起的局部不均和由于回风口及风扇位置引起的宏观 不均,这种不均匀性会对蒸发器的换热效率及整个冰箱的性能造成很大损害。 关键词: 问冷式冰箱;翅片管蒸发器:数值模拟 NumericaI Simulation of Flow and Heat Transfer Performance on The Ai r Side of 匕VapOratOr tOr a I ndirect-c001 l KetrIqeratOr ro ● , 。‘ 。 -r、 ,● ● X iup ing Su,Ca i 1 ing J iang,J i angping Chen,Zh i j iu Chen (Imtitute ofRefrigcrationCryogentics,sh缸ghai Jiaotong UnivemRy,Shanghai 200030) Abstract:The computational fluid dynamics(CFD)method has bc.n applied to predict the flow and heat wansfer performance of evaporator on the air side for a domestic indirect-cool refrigerator in this article.The standard k-e model is used舔the turbulence model.and the standard wall functions a托adoptczf to link the solution variables at the near-wall cells and corresponding quantities near the wall.The velocity,temperature and local heat transfer coc伍cient distributions and heat flow rate at也e tubes are attended.From也e numerical results.it can bc shown that nonuniformities exist on the distributions of air velocity,air temperature,and local heat transfer coefficients.The flow maldistributions include micro-nonuniformities caused by the exist of tubes and fins and macro—nonuniformities cased by the ill—designed supplier of refrigerator compartment and i11.installed location of the fan.They could deteriorate the overall heat transfer performance ofevaporator and the whole refrigerator. key words:indirect-cool refrigerator;fin-tube Evaporator,numerical simulation 1前言 家用冰箱中大约有40%1拘产品采用间冷式结构,其特点是采用翅片管蒸发器(其上附 有化霜加热器)。蒸发器和送风的风扇一起置于冷冻室的后背部,用隔板将它们与冷冻室隔 苏秀平(1972--),男,工学博士研究生。 592 问冷式冰箱蒸发器空气侧流动及换热性能数值模拟 开。冷风在叶轮的驱动下,通过隔板上的风栅吹入冷冻室,再通过下部风栅回到蒸发器,从 而形成冷冻室冷风循环回路。另一部分冷风由风道和冷藏室风门进入冷藏室,由箱体内回风 道回到蒸发器而形成冷藏室冷风循环回路。蒸发器是间冷式冰箱冷风循环系统中最为关键的 部件,其换热性能与效率对整个系统的影响极为重要。 翅片管换热性能的研究主要集中于试验方面[1。】,近年来,CFD分析方法也开


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