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企业服务总线监听器的设计与实现 白莎出拉1,2,廉东本2,王宁2 1(中国科学院 研究生院,北京 1000392(中国科学院 沈阳计算技术研究所,辽宁 沈阳 110168E-mail: hongge_3199@ 摘 要:企业服务总线(ESB)系统是基于面向服务架构(SOA)实现应用集成的软总线。它给异构的应用系统之间提供服务共享和交换。企业服务总线监听器是企业服务总线系统的消息入口和出口,所有经过ESB系统的服务请求消息和服务响应消息都要通过监听器的监听及过滤。ESB监听器的主要功能是监听服务请求消息和服务响应消息,再对消息进行访问控制即消息适配,其中包括消息协议类型认证、用户合法认证,服务认证。本文研究了SOA架构、webservice技术和企业服务总线监听器的并发监听技术及消息安全认证技术。设计实现了基于线程池管理模型的多线程并发监听及并发消息处理模型,提出了高效率的并发监听技术和安全的消息适配技术。 关键词:企业服务总线;监听器;高度并发性;安全认证;web服务 中图分类号:TP    文献标识码:A          文章编号:1000-1220(2009)02-- Design and Implementation of the Enterprise Service Bus Listener BAI Sha-chu-la1,2,LIAN Dong-ben2,WANG Ning2 1(Graduate School of The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039,China) 2(Shenyang Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110168,China) Abstract: ESB system is a software bus based on the SOA architecture for the integration of application. The listener of Enterprise service bus is the entrance and exit of message in ESB, all of service-request message and service-response message through ESB have to be monitored and filtered by the listener. The task of ESB listener is main to monitor the service-request message and the service-response message, then to control the access to the message namely message-adapter, including the certification of the type of the message protocol, the authentication of the legal users, the certification of the service. This paper studied the technology such as the SOA, WebService and the concurrent monitoring and the message authentication of the monitor of the enterprise service bus. designed and implemented the model of the multithread concurrent-monitoring and concurrent-message processing which based on the threadpool management, putted forward the efficient concurrent-monitoring and the security message-adaptation. Key words: Enterprise Service Bus;Listener;High-degree concurrency;Safety certification;Webservice 1 引 言 近年来,随着信息技术的发展,政府及企业都采用了不同的业务系统来支撑各自的业务和应用。国内对企业服务总线的相关技术研究工作做得相对国外较少。随着


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