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期末复习练习Units1-4 一.单词拼写 ( ) 1. -The world is becoming smaller and smaller because of the Internet.-_______. A. No problem B. Exactly C. All right D. That is all right ( ) 2. Im_______ building a new zoo because I think zoos are terrible places for animals to live in . A. on B. in C. for D. against ( ) 3. -Have you stayed h ere long? -Yes. _______. A. I have stayed here for twenty years ago B. I stayed here for twenty years C. Twenty years has past D. I have stayed here since twenty years ago ( )4. If you avoid _________careless, I think you can manage_______full marks. A to be, to get B being, getting C to get, to be D being, to get. ( ) 5. -Ann is in hospital. -Oh, really? I_______ know. I_______ her for a long time. A. didnt ; will see B. dont ,will see C. didnt ; havent seen D. dont ; havent seen ( ) 6 My grandpa ______ in the city , but now he_______ the life in the country. A. used to work, is used to B.used to do, is used to C. used to work , used to D. is used to do, is used to ( )7. Some people won’t ________ the importance of their health until they lose it. A. forget B. realize C. repair D. reduce ( )8.The problems are difficult to solve.Please give e_______. A.some advices B.all advice C.advices D.some advice ( ). I had a very unusual yesterday. I saw a UFO land in front of me. A. decision B. test C. friend D. experience ( )10. - How was_______ party yesterday? - It was_______ success. A. a; a B. a; the C. the; a D. the;/ ( ). A: Where is Simon? B: He ________ the USA. A: By the way, have you ever ________ abroad before? B: No, never. A. is in, been to B. has been to, gone C. went to, gone to D. has gone to, been ( )12. Is he ______ the driving test this time? A. enough lucky passing B. luck


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