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期末复习练习 (Units5-8) 一、单项选择( ) A. the, a B. /, a C. the , the D. /, / ( )’s not wise _____ teenagers to be crazy about Korean stars. It’s more important ______ them to learn more about Chinese culture. A. for, for B. of, of C. of, for D. for, of ( ) A. took place B. were taken place C.have been taken place ? D. have taken place ( )’t leave until the work ________. A. finishes B. will be finished C. has finished D. is finished ( )’t think so. He can answer it easily. A.of Jim to answer B. of Jim to answer it C. for Jim to answer D. for Jim to answer it ( ).The dining hall in our school is ______ to hold 1000 people. A. enough big B. enough well C.small enough D. big enough ( )—A homeless man won a big prize. He became rich over night. — ___________. A.Better safe than sorry B. The early bird catches the worm. C. Every dog has its day. D. Actions speak louder than words. ( )’s too hard _____you to avoid______her. A.of; meeting B. for; to meet. C.for; meeting. D.of; to meet. ( )’ll_____some money by holding a charity show,then ____it to poor students in the west. A. raise,donate B.donate,donate C. raise,raise D.donate,raise. ( )’clock last night. A.saw to B. is seen to C.was seen D.was seen to ( )1.It was that ___sports meeting was____ successful event in our school history. A. /; a B. the; / C. the; a D. a ; the ( ).It’s wrong ______ you ________ eveywhere in the street. A. of; litter B. for; drop litter C. of; to litter D. for; to drop litter ( ).The ___________ as a coach ________ players train their skills. A. is used; to help B. used; to help C. is used; help D. used; to help ( ) 14. The boy pushed me away as I was_______ his way. A. on B. in C. by D. at ( ) 15. Linda was unhappy because Liz________ her conversation with Dad.


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