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Handwriting 书法 Status Chinese character calligraphy is the Han Chinese original performance art, which is known as no words of poetry, no line of dance; no picture of the painting, silent music. 汉字书法为汉族独创的表现艺术,被誉为:无言的诗,无行的舞;无图的画,无声的乐。 /w_19rtm0gma5.html seal character篆书 Formed in the Zhou Dynasty 形成年代:周朝 Characteristics: lean and tall, more straight, and neat 特点:笔法瘦劲挺拔,直线较多,形体均匀齐整 ?clerical script隶书 Formed in the Qin Dynasty 起源于秦朝 It is a kind of solemn font in Chinese characters. The writing is slightly wide and flat, with long horizontal and short vertical , It had a rectangular shape. 是汉字中一种庄重的字体,书写效果略微宽扁,横画长而直画短,呈长方形状。 Regular script楷书 It evolved from clerical script,but more simplified,with flat horizontal and straight vertical 由隶书逐渐演变而来,更趋简化,横平竖直。 This handwriting is what we use now. 这种汉字字体,就是现在通行的汉字手写正体字。 Running script行书 Based on clerical script, Running script was formed in order to solve the disadvantage of Regular script and cursive handwriting 行书是在隶书的基础上发展起源的 是为了弥补楷书的书写速度太慢和草书的难于辨认而产生的。 cursive handwriting草书 Formed in the Han Dynasty, it evolved from clerical script 草书形成于汉代,是为了书写简便在隶书基础上演变出来的。 It’s simplified with continuous strokes 特点是结构简省、 笔画连绵。 seal character篆书 ?clerical script隶书 Regular script楷书 Running script行书 cursive handwriting草书 谢谢!


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