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 HYPERLINK /JudgeOnline/problemset.php?page=7 /JudgeOnline/problemset.php?page=7 Oh, my goddess 时间限制:3000 ms | 内存限制:65535 KB 难度:3 描述 Shining Knight is the embodiment of justice and he has a very sharp sword can even cleavewall. Many bad guys are dead on his sword. One day, two evil sorcerer cgangee and Jackchess decided to give him some colorto see. So they kidnapped Shining Knights beloved girl--Miss Ice! They built a M x Nmaze with magic and shut her up in it. Shining Knight arrives at the maze entrance immediately. He can reach any adjacent emptysquare of four directions -- up, down, left, and right in 1 second. Or cleave one adjacent wall in 3 seconds, namely,turn it into empty square. Its the time to save his goddess! Notice: ShiningKnight wont leave the maze before he find Miss Ice. 输入 The input consists of blocks of lines. There is a blank line between two blocks. The first line of each block contains two positive integers M = 50 and N = 50separated by one space. In each of the next M lines there is a string of length N contentsO and #. O represents empty squares. # means a wall. At last, the location of Miss Ice, ( x, y ). 1 = x = M, 1 = y = N. (Shining Knight always starts at coordinate ( 1, 1 ). Both Shining and Ices locationguarantee not to be a wall.) 输出 The least amount of time Shining Knight takes to save hisgoddess in one line. 样例输入 3 5 O#### ##### #O#O# 3 4 样例输出 14 世界末日 时间限制:1000 ms | 内存限制:65535 KB 难度:1 描述 世界末日马上就要来临了,当然,每个人都想买到船票,但是由于船票有限,因此需要回答对一个问题才能买票。问题是这样的:给你一个数n (1 = n = 10000),之后给n个正整数 (= 10000),问在这n个数中是否存在一些数的和是n的倍数。 输入 多组测试数据(最多100组)。首先输入一个数n,然后输入n个数。 输出 如果能找到一些数的和是n的倍数,输出YES,否则输出NO。 样例输入 5 5 3 6 7 9 样例输出 YES 我和你 时间限制:1000 ms | 内存限制:65535 KB 难度:2 描述 将一句话中的所有的“我”换成“你”,“你”换成“我”。 输入 多组测试数据 每组给出一句中文,每段少于100??汉字 以单独一个0结束 输出 对于每组测试数据,输出替换后的句子。 样例输入 我爱你 我是中国人 1234我 0 样例输出 你爱我 你是中国人 1234你 提示 注意:每个中文在windows下占两个字节,ubuntu默认使用UTF-8编码,每个中文占三个字节。本OJ判题环境为ubuntu Take it easy II 时间限制:1000 ms | 内存限制:65535 KB 难度:0 描述 小蜗牛经过一段时间的学习和训练,水平的到了很大的提升


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