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2. field (n.) ?田野,田地 work in the field 在田里干活 ?运动场地 a baseball field 棒球场 ?(学科)领域,界 science field 科学界 art field 文艺界、演艺界 3. smell (v.) ?闻 smell - smelled - smelled smell - smelt - smelt smell the soup smell one’s hands (l.v.) 闻起来 smell good look/smell/taste/sound/feel + adj. (n.) 气味 a good/bad smell 香味/臭味 4. wonder (v.) ?感到奇怪,惊讶 I wonder why he hasn’t arrived. ?想知道 = want to know wonderful (adj.) 非常棒的 = great have a good/great/ wonderful time 5. camp (n.) 野营 go for a camp (v.)野营 go camping campfire (n.) 篝火,营火 = open fire 6. creep (v.) 爬行 creep - crept – crept creep into sp. creep into the tent creep out of sp. creep out of the tent creep up to sb. The snake crept up to me. creepy (adj) 让人害怕的,毛骨悚然的 a creepy story creeper (n.) 爬行动物 7. sleep (v. n.) 睡觉 sleeping (adj.) 睡眠的 sleeping pills a sleeping bag a sleeping suit sleepy (adj.) 困倦的 I feel sleepy . sleepless (adj.) 睡不着的,失眠的 8. comfort (v.) 安慰 comfort sb. (n.) 舒适 live in comfort comfortable (adj.) 舒适的,安逸的 a comfortable bed feel comfortable ?uncomfortable comfortably (adv.) 舒服地 sleep comfortably 9. sound (n.) 声音 make a sound 发出声音 (v.) 听起来 sound beautiful (adj.) 香甜的 sound sleep soundly (adv.) 香甜地 He is sleeping soundly . 10. leap (v.) (轻盈地)跳跃,跳起 leap - leapt – leapt leap out of 猛地跳起来 jump 双腿跳 hop 单腿跳 11. heavy (adj.) ?重的 a heavy box ?light ?大量的,密集的 heavy traffic a heavy rain/snow heavily (adv.) 大量地 It is raining heavily. 12. stream (n.) 小溪 The rain formed a stream. a stream of … 一股… a stream of blood 13. form (n.) 表格 fi


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