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第41卷第7期 2013年7月 燃料化学学报 Journal of Fuel Chemistry and Technology V01.41 No.7 Jul.2013 文章编号:0253-2409(2013)07-0787—11 煤层气治理与利用技术研究开发进展 李志凯1”,秦张峰1,吴志伟1,赵建涛1,李树娜1”,董梅1,樊卫斌1,王建国1 (1.中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所煤转化国家重点实验室,山西太原030001;2.中国科学院大学,北京100049) 摘要:煤层气作为一种非常规天然气,既是宝贵的清洁能源,其主要成分甲烷同时也是一种主要的温室气体;煤层气的直接 排放不仅加剧了大气温室效应和环境污染,同时也是能源资源的极大浪费。近年来,煤层气的治理和利用受到了广泛关注, 有关技术研究和开发取得了很大进展。本文对近年来煤层气的治理和利用技术研发进展进行了总结和评估,侧重于介绍煤 层气分离系统中关键的中、高浓度煤层气催化燃烧脱氧技术以及乏风瓦斯逆向流催化燃烧减排及余热利用技术。最后对煤 层气综合利用技术进行了展望。 关键词:煤层气;乏风瓦斯;脱氧;催化燃烧;余热利用;逆向流反应器 中图分类号:TQ519,0643.2,X51 文献标识码:A Research and development progresses in the mitigation and utilization of coal bed methane LI珊.kai 1”,QIN Zhang—fen91,WU Zhi—weil,ZHAO Jian—ta01, LI Shu.nal 7,DONG Meil,FAN Wei—binl,WANG Jian.gu01 (1.State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion,Institute of Coal Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,raiyuan 030001,China; 2.University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China) Abstract:Coal bed methane(CBM)as an unconventional natural gas is a valuable energy resources; meanwhile the main content of CBM,methane,is also one of the most important gases that contribute towards inducing the greenhouse effect.The mitigation and utilization of coal bed methane,by reducing methane emissions and producing energy from recovered methane,Can offer both opportunities to mitigate global climate change and to generate new sources of clean energy,which is therefore of great significance in both economic and environmental aspects and has received extensive attentions in recent years.In this paper,we attempt to make a review on the recent progresses of research and development in the mitigation and utilization of CBM. We focused mainly on the application of catalytic combustion in CBM mitigation and utilization.especially the deoxygenation of oxygen—bearing CBM,which is the key issue for methane concenⅡafion through pressure swing adsorption,as well as the mitigation and heat recovery of ventilation air methane(V』蝴)by using catalytic flow reversal reactor.Las



