Vocabulary game tick-tack-toe.ppt

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Vocabulary game Tick-tack-toe Form into two groups and take turns to choose and answer any of the 25 questions Group 1 gets crosses (×), group 2 gets circles (○) for correct answers. Each group only has one chance to answer each question. The first group that gets five crosses or circles aligned in a straight line is the winner. (example) ○ × ○ ○ ○ × ○ × × × ○ × ○ ○ × × 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 1. After so many years, she was still c______ to the hope that he could return. 许多年过去了,她仍抱着他会回来的希望。 clinging 2. I must go ______ my business.我必须忙我自己的事。 about 3. All his life, he is ____ peace with everyone.他一生都与世无争。 at 4. Many people have realized the importance of living in h_____ with nature。许多人都已经意识到与大自然和谐相处的重要性。 harmony 5. his wife was always complaining at home and he was t____ of her constant complaints.他妻子在家里总是发牢骚,而他对她的无休止的牢骚已经厌烦了。 tired 6. There is no u_____ agreement about the meaning of life; different people have different understandings. 关于生命的意义,并无定论(没有统一一致的意见),不同人有不同的理解。 universal 7. Unfortunately they failed to t____ the key issues. 不幸的是,他们没能解决关键问题。 tackle 8. In fact, I didn’t intend to do her w____. 实际上,我本不想伤害她的。 wrong 9. It may rain tomorrow, but we are going mountain climbing in any c____. 明天可能下雨,但我们无论如何要去爬山。 case 10. He is fully a____ ____ the risks in the business. 他充分意识到了这次生意的风险。 aware of 11. It’s time to l___ ____ of the past.是时候该忘记过去了。 Let go 12. They got out of the house before the flames t____ _____.他们在火势变猛之前就逃出了房子。 Took hold 13. Suddenly I became c____ of someone watching me from a distance.我突然察觉到远处有人在看着我。 conscious 14. Was there anything ___ particular that you wanted to talk about? 你刚才有什么特别的事要说吗? in 15. We l____ for a warm soft bed after several days of camping.露营了几天之后,我们渴望着有张温暖柔软的床。 longed 16. Under no c_____ can we accept the check . 我们无论如何也不能接受这笔钱。 circumstances


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