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国际商务合同实践报告 学院:管理与经济学院 专业:国际经济与贸易 报告人:201314513 张婷婷 201314525 彭艺茹目 录一.案例介绍1.1原文介绍1.2原文翻译1.3案例概述二.案例分析三.结局反思一.案例介绍1.1原文介绍:BackgroundIf you are in China,chances are you drink at least one bottle of Wahaha brand water,or perhaps the company’s iced tea,fruit drinks,or its Future Cola.If you go to the United States,you may even come cross Future Cola in New York or Los Angeles,because the company that first set up shop in an elementary school in Hangzhou,Zhejiang,is going global.The Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co.,Ltd.,China’s leading domestic beverage producer,didn’t achieve success overnight.The company’s predecessor,the Hangzhou Shangcheng District School-Run Enterprise Sales Department,funded its start-up operations in 1987 with a government loan.Zong Qinghou,the company’s founder,and two retired schoolteachers initially sold milk products and popsicles out of a school store,but to benefit the student’s health the group soon began producing and selling nutritional drinks.The company’s success selling nutrition products in school led to its first big expansion:with Hangzhou government support,the company acquired a company then changed its name to the Hangzhou Wahaha Group Co.(The word “Wahaha”is meant to mimic the sound of a baby laughing and is taken from a children’s folk song.)Wahaha’s second large-scale expansion occurred in 1994 when the company merged with three insolvent companies in Fulling,Sichuan,to set up its first factory in Chongqing.The Wahaha Joint Venture (JV)was formed in February,1996.At the start,there were three participants in the JV:Hangzhou Wahaha Food Group(Wahaha Group),led by its chairman Zong Qinghou;Danone Group,a French corporation(Danone);and Bai Fu Qin,a Hong Kong corporation(Baifu).In 1996,the two parties signed a trademark tranfer agreement,with an intention to transfer the”Wahaha”trademark to the joint ventures.The move,however,was not approved by the State Trademark Office.For this reason,the two parties signed in 1999 the trademark licen


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