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评分原则 As a member in our society, I can never emphasize the importance of making contributions to the society too much. As a matter of fact, it is the small things we do that show our sense of responsibility. When it comes to this topic, the story of myself is the case in point. I still remember the time when our class was selected to do cleaning in a small community. Mops and other kinds of tools in hand, we worked hard, regardless of awful heat under the sun. we did all the tasks so carefully that it was not until dusk that we finished cleaning. Tired as we were, we felt proud of ourselves. What a tired but graceful day! The most instructive lesson I’ve learnt from the experience is that everyone is adequate to do something small but remarkable in order to make our society colorful. Only in this way can we make ourselves a responsible member of the society. As is known to us all, small things can make a big difference. In our daily life, even if the things we do are very small, we still can make us a responsible member of the society. For example, one weekend, our teachers took us to a park where we were about to plant trees. With the help of our teachers, everyone at least planted one tree. Some enthusiastic students planted more. Every one of us was really happy to do something for our society. In the meanwhile, we were confident that there would be a forest in the park many years later. Last week, I went to the park. Those trees we planted ten years ago have been taller than I. what a exciting thing! We do make us a responsible member of the society. Although we just did a small thing, but it did make a big difference. Don’t hesitate to do small things just because they are small. Do it, and you will see the big change you make. Let us be a responsible member of the society. It goes without saying that the small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society. As a co


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