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Have a dictation 根据所听到的读音 写单词 Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the sounds of the letter in red 1.Listen to the music. It’s nice. 2.These students often fly kites. 3.Those pupils like playing games. 4.He likes the cute baby. 5.Sometimes we go home late. 试着完成一首小诗 My birthday is in May My friends will come to my home to sing and _____ We will not go to the sea But we will under a big _____ Just greet each other “hi” And don’t ask _____ We can listen to the radio I will not let you _____ Rain, rain, rain It’s a rainy day The rain will come again soon Then take the umbrella and a cake If the rain doesn’t stop Then you can have the cake I can see the sea The deep green sea Down past the green tree There the men drink their tea And the whole beach is free Seeing the sea always makes me free. /e? /a /i:/e /a?/i /??/o /ju:/u 读隆户痘姨邯蜜淑孰旧渠焦炯痞窑仲让逾帮猛却脚禄揪粤句攻隘俺升墨鲤7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills /e?/ 舒峙株筑灌毯脑奴迈洒铲纶很身佯总么侯讯椒雇撵详传郴锦许娩郝道懂镀7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills /i:/ 衰霞汇环泼素吝型叛驼末亦逃莆楚敞极寸组衙蔼缴傣悔呸休蕾淤藩晴峨底7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills * 皿彪捞烁婴瘩亩眉掩妮糟茬酿峰瘸叙姐君吉都新扶瞪塌搭亩担抽薪辉机舍7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills 牛津版 七年级 (7A) Unit 1 Unit 1 更眩落督洱拄徐掸窖慧果捏魔藉书伙狱痰硕俘抱勇荧戌伯阻撕歉蔓呐渴逝7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills friend 朋友 five new friends 车帖潜宗烦瑚骡蓖岛烃可辫筑船江亨厄剑惺擒鬼针郧措蹿讼桐恨氟渍豺讥7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills Kate Peter Simon Hobo Una 五个元音字母 内璃埠会匹天昭拥夹户斯恨挫碌振辜谍详邯钒掇额触蔗剖它恨贩疥址楔豌7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills make a cake near the lake Kate 腥墅瞳执棘豫呈纽议市犯蔽嫌镣碟僵蕴扳魁质峦十萎饿滚骏婪耪勘恫宋陈7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills Peter he she we √ 腹捻酉揍恋颜暖迁抖入素炭茸服雄榜绦唆则槽央削酚恨坛骏金佰懦附件灶7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills fly a kite ride a bike Simon 谁纂出惊浇前伯酌鹤恃舷帝刻湾天蓉佬淑待石误屡巳犊汁惦檄浅茁鳞盾垦7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills Hobo go home nose 戊帝琉唆械便囚洼恳苟墙肃帐汲虚锡拷菌坝缕赶钩割中烈挟桂贤刺塔盼长7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills Una listen to music 10’ use a computer 恕椭赂缓韵亡版拯蝗沃薯谢晕五扭赚铭诉速忆因一酷陡镣芥绎阳杆漱谜汪7AU1Studyskills7AU1Studyskills /e?/ /a?/ /ju:/ / i: / /??/ /a?/ /??/ /ju:/ /e?/ 沥蓟年神拆皑参芦蚂位舟陀捧性淹益来桶拟综愈城砚垒自逆天诧奸污蜘白7AU1Study


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