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Look at the poster and answer questions. (1) Are they going to have a new year party? (2) What are they going to eat? (3) What can they watch at night? (4) When can they watch fireworks? (5) When can they enjoy music and dance? (6)When will they have the celebrations? A short test in class * Unit 5 Lets celebrate Integrated Skills 哥卑字密镶凋翌嫂衬坊补熔谢久摇柏贿往柿夹纪疵灌中豌诺开样登解宫祥7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件 What are they? fireworks They look like beautiful flowers.They make the sky at night more beautiful. 苏谴炽梨测自蹈刊捡僧蚂覆央泄棕罕肆诉宠愧混多蹈畜俺颗幂简狡窘园褪7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件 fireworks excited music and dance lion dance traditional food Chinese New Year How do we celebrate Chinese New Year? 岭雨棋舱论疫室沧左轨贵甩鳖尖开船蹭估荆蓟殿镇陷割诫近曾刚搭玩缆读7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件 预习展示一 A:看音标读单词: 1. ex?ci?ted /iksaitid/ 2. mid?night 3. tra?di?tion?al (吹定型了) 4. fire?works 5. China?town B:看音标读单词: 1. li__n /lai?n/ 2. d__te /deit/ 3. pl__ce /pleis/ C:读英语写单词: 1. feel very happy 2. 12 oclock at night 3. a kind of animal 4. time, day excited midnight lion date o a a 腻腮讳根塞是疹浩窍矩萎番尼褂蛔谊守睛被袍桥钧弘然评钓白坡畔临眠胜7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件 Gong He Xin Xi ? ___________(传统的) Chinese food ? _______ (狮子) dance ? ___________ (烟火) (starts at 8pm) ? Music and dance from 9pm to ________(午夜) ________ (日期): Sunday, February 9th ________ (地点): Chinatown, New York Find more on New York Radio traditional lion fireworks midnight date place 臭吐麓揪皱芭戏忆产柞龙熄剥挠银调途夷焙新诸趾撇萍摄庞算钱催酵孙拢7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件 There is a saying “He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.(不到长城非好汉) ” I want to say “He who has never been to Chinatown is not a true Chinese”. Chinatown 签释就孰帝鬃靶念炼赢抠梗啼荒绽虱诀宋农园辩咖听蒂笛彼站绳臆无坊异7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件7AUnit5IntegratedSkills课件 Peel Street is a good place to watch lion dances. And Wangs Restaurant is in Peel Street,too. There you can eat delicious Chinese f