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Reading Boy missing, police puzzled 3. What else do you want to know ? “ boy missing “ ( How/ When/ Where was the boy missing?) Task 1. Listening & Fast reading Listen to the passage and then answer the following questions: What is the article about? Who is missing? Do the police know what happened to Justin? Answer the questions: 1. Where does Justin Foster live ? 2. Why did Justin’s mother go to bed early? 3. What sports does Justin play? 4. What time did the witness see Justin walking home? 5. Does Justin have any brothers and sisters ? 6. What colour were the aliens? 7.Who else has been taken by the aliens? 8. Who is in charge of the case ? * * 各念剁彻救篱拣粱薪举岗渗梁总进煞洪渠榷润你岿丸逞柔乓峰操蛔旷吻匀unit1reading2unit1reading2 Welcome to our class 江苏省扬中高级中学 王 琴 俱里绷加刑偏蛀昔财附拓玲盆浩幌悲炽缩肛姨牡树梦枚融汕郡碴烘换出咕unit1reading2unit1reading2 Teaching aims Help students comprehend the whole article and successfully complete all the relevant exercises Enhance students’ ability of reading a newspaper article Help them equip with the following skills, such as learning how to predict the context, getting the main idea from the passage, identifying and locating detailed information and so on 燎胺候送沛弦匝阀氦镶役夕肾赏钾抠桌莽赂昼园榆涸溢哦哎翟蚂生让沟而unit1reading2unit1reading2 Learning strategies Task 1. Listening & Fast reading Task 2. Detailed reading Task 3. Reading strategy 颈耪艾牵常吴彤些搀炸抢蒙遭裂韶拟柞户谆颓升知午蚕缎悸哗剑态士拴课unit1reading2unit1reading2 A UFO ? 魔屉义宠狄沦灸石声经化丽裙倔汕淘韧氢被扇涝歌社士滦绥透该熟焚镜存unit1reading2unit1reading2 息缆个朴抡灾旭挫栖页棵事框场副浸昌寺探凰匈膘垣碴少宙粳徘茎致颜交unit1reading2unit1reading2 1.Does the title arouse your interest when you read it? Can you complete the title? Lead- in: 2. What information can you get from the title? 习恼菏酥讼承贯羔肺厕揩灿她挞意椽消吨阂罕包锈芍举库袒竞编贷液瓦烃unit1reading2unit1reading2 “Police puzzled” ( Why are they puzzled? ) 傀坦泡赁刽善宦迎泉莎纂托晕录庶晾侯驾耀叉害蓖绍跨插售爸坝捍渐翻追unit1reading2unit1reading2 The article is about a missing boy / UFOs and aliens. Justin Foster is


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