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右键点击会议名称,打开菜单,选择“Properties”(属性) 会议属性下‘OngoingState”菜单下可以查看会议的状态。 选择保存位置 In a Video Switching conference, select the highest transfer rate common to all participants. In Transcoding and Continuous Presence conferences, different line rates may be defined for each of the participants separately. The 16 (G728) requires less bandwidth which results in better video quality. However, this algorithm is not supported by all types of codecs. G711 requires higher bandwidth, which results in lower video quality. G722 requires higher bandwidth which results in a higher audio quality and lower video quality. If the conference Line Rate is set to higher rates, the system will connect the participants using G722. CIF - Common Intermediate Format. A video format with image size of 352x288 pixels that transmits 36.45 Mbps at up to 30 frames per second. QCIF - Quarter CIF. A video format with image size of 176x144 pixels that transmits 9.115 Mbps at up to 30 frames per second (which is the quarter of the speed of CIF). It is the mandatory H.261 format, that must be implemented by every H.320 compliant endpoint. The number of frames per second defines the quality of the video transmission. 7.5 indicates a video quality lower than 30 frames per second. Entry Tone Click this option to enable the entry tone, which will be played when a participant (even an audio only participant) connects to the conference. This tone is heard by all the conference participants currently connected to the conference (but not by the connecting participant). The tone is embedded in the Main Control Module’s software. End Time Alert Tone x Min Click this option to enable the end of conference reminder tone to be played once to all the connected participants, x minutes before the end of the conference. This tone is different from other tones. The tone is embedded in the Main Control Module’s software. Exit Tone Click this option to enable the exit tone, which will be heard by all the connected part


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