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课程名称: 商务英语泛读2 作业名称:保险术语搜集整编 姓 名: 吴黎明 徐佳晖 徐成晨 滕俏敏 张晓薇 沈晓梦 班 级: 商务英语1402 任课教师: 何培芬 完成日期: 2016年4月8日 湖州职业技术学院 旅游与公共管理学院 2015--2016学年 第二学期 1 Contract Term Insurance Term Speaker:Wu Liming Participants : Teng Qiaomin Shen Xiaomeng Zhang Xiaowei Xu Chengchen Xu Jiahui 2 Insurance The applicant according to the contract agreement, pay insurance premium to the insurer, insurance for property loss or damage caused by the occurrence of a contract may bear the liability to pay the insurance money, or when was the insurer to death, disability, illness or when reaching the age and the time limit stipulated in the contract assume liability insurance of commercial insurance payment. 保险 投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生所造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残、疾病或者达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的商业保险行为。 3 4 Insurance object The property of an object of insurance and the life and body of the person concerned. Insurable interest The insured or the insured has the legal recognition of the subject matter of the insurance. Premium Insurance guarantee insurance, the insurance contract agreed to pay the cost of insurance. 保险费 投保人为取得保险保障,按保险合同约定向保险人支付的费用。 保险标的 作为保险对象的财产及其有关利益或者人的寿命和身体。 保险利益 投保人或者被保险人对保险标的具有的法律上承认的利益。 Application Process of purchasing insurance products by individuals or units. Applicant To enter into an insurance contract with an insurer and bear the obligation to pay the insurance premium in accordance with the contract. 投保 个人或单位购买保险产品的过程。 投保人 与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务的人。 5 Insurer An insurance company which has an insurance contract with an applicant and is liable for compensation or payment of insurance premiums. Insured The property or life insurance contract and claim insurance, the insured for the insured. 保险人 与投保人订立保险合同,并承担赔偿或者给付保险金责任的保险公司。 被保险人 其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人,投保人可以为被保险人。 6 Main coverage Insurance products can be individually insured. Rider A separate



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