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5.国际经济 开放经济条件下,国与国之间主要通过贸易与借贷关系发生经济联系。 1、国际贸易:由进口和出口两方面组成。 进口(Imports):在该国的居民或企业所购买的在本国以外生产的商品和服务。 出口(Exports):该国境内生产的商品和服务由本国境外的居民或企业购买的部分。 贸易顺差:一国的出口大于进口 贸易逆差:一国的进口大于出口 2、对外借贷关系 对外贸易、对外投资、引进外资等都会产生对外借贷关系 3、国际收支(Balance of Payments) 国际收支顺差(盈余):一国来自国外的货币收入总额大于付给国外的支出总额 国际收支逆差(赤字) :一国来自国外的货币收入总额小于付给国外的支出总额 6、宏观经济政策 宏观经济政策:从全局上对经济运行施加影响的方法和手段。 两种最主要的宏观经济政策形式:财政政策和货币政策。 财政政策:由政府的税收政策和支出政策所组成 货币政策:在中央银行的控制下如何决定和调整一个国家 的货币供给增长速度 宏观经济政策的主要目标:促进增长、稳定经济、减少失 业、控制物价、对外平衡 要研究:宏观经济政策的实际作用和长期效果如何?什么 是适当的宏观经济政策? Social problems like homelessness, domestic violence, crime, and poverty are linked to the economy. For example… 二、Why learn macroeconomics? 1. The macroeconomy affects society’s well-being. percent of labor force crimes per 100,000 population U.S. Unemployment and Property Crime Rates Unemployment (left scale) Property crimes (right scale) Why learn macroeconomics? 2. The macroeconomy affects your well-being. change from 12 mos earlier percent change from 12 mos earlier In most years, wage growth falls when unemployment is rising. Why learn macroeconomics? 3. The macroeconomy affects election outcomes. Unemployment inflation in election years year U rate inflation rate elec. outcome 1976 7.7% 5.8% Carter (D) 1980 7.1% 13.5% Reagan (R) 1984 7.5% 4.3% Reagan (R) 1988 5.5% 4.1% Bush I (R) 1992 7.5% 3.0% Clinton (D) 1996 5.4% 3.3% Clinton (D) 2000 4.0% 3.4% Bush II (R) 2004 5.5% 3.3% Bush II (R) 2008 7.2% 3.8% Obama (D) The state of the economy has a huge impact on election outcomes. When the economy is doing poorly, there tends to be a change in the party that controls the White House. 1976: The rates of inflation (?) and unemployment (u) both high. Incumbent(现任的) (Ford, R) loses. 1980: u still high, ? even higher. Incumbent (Carter, D) loses. 1984: u still high, but ? much lower. Incumbent (Reagan) wins. 1988: ? the same, u much lower. Incumbent par


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