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济南市XX小区外网工程 毕业设计说明书 学 生: XXX 所在系别: 城 建 系 专 业: 建筑环境与设备工程 指 导 教 师: XXX 教授 答辩日期: 200 8 年 6 月 23 日 前 言 本设计名为济南市XX小区外网设计。该小区位于卫星路南面,总用地面积为62857平方米,地上总建筑面积约14万平方米,内有住宅楼10栋(其中六栋低层住宅、四栋高层住宅),汽车展览中心一座,小型商场一个,二十层高级办公楼一座,外加一个底下车库。本小区是一个住宿兼办公的综合小区,该小区内设有集中采暖系统,小区给水系统(有生活给水系统、消防给水系统),排水系统(包括污水排水、雨水排水)。结合实际情况,根据建筑物的性质,用途,以及建筑高度和系统承压能力,对于采暖与给水系统要进行高低分区,分别进行采暖与给水。 本小区内的配套系统大体如下:集中采暖系统:本小区采暖由小区换热站统一提供热源,一次网供热由市政管网提供,并且二次网要布置高低两套供暖管道。给水系统:分为生活给水和消防给水系统,其中其生活和消防的总用水量由卫星路上的市政管网提供,小区内设室外消火栓且管网承环状。排水系统有污水排水、雨水排水,本小区采用雨、污水分流制,并与卫星路上的市政管网相连。各系统中的管道都沿路或沿墙敷设,力求简短顺直节约管材。 本设计以经济、环保、节能为原则,通过借鉴以前的设计方法和经验,采用了合理的技术措施,使设计的各个系统达到了很好的使用效果。 关键词:集中供热;换热站;消防;分流制。 Foreword The design called the Thai district of Jinan City days, network design. Satellite Road area in the south, the total land area of 62,857 square meters, a total construction floor area of about 140,000 square meters, has 10 residential buildings (of which six low-rise residential, four high-rise residential), a car exhibition centre, small A shopping arcade, a 20-floor office building senior, plus an underground garage. This area is a residential area of the integrated office, the district begins to focus on heating systems, district water supply system (a water supply system of life, fire water supply system), drainage systems (including sewage drainage, rain water drainage). With the actual situation, according to the nature of the building, use and building high pressure system and the capacity for heating and water supply system to a district level, separate heating and water supply. The districts general support systems are as follows: concentrated heating system: the district heating station uniform heat transfer from district to provide heat, a heating network provided by the Urban Services Network, network and the second to level two sets of heating pipe layout. Water Supply System: Water is divided into life and fire water supply syst


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