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南昌商学院2013~2014学年第 一 学期 经济学概论 期末考查论文 一、题目(自选或自拟) ? 限价政策在经济学中的分析 ? 大学生就业状况的供求分析 ? 开征房产税对房地产行业的影响分析 ? 需求价格弹性在企业定价中的应用 ? 从春晚看边际效用递减规律 ? 基尼系数与贫富差距 ? 对阶梯电价制度的思考 ? 大学生消费行为研究 ? 通货膨胀问题研究 ? 大学生失业的原因和对策 ? 论市场经济条件下分配的公平与效率 ? 我国当前的财政政策 ? 我国当前的货币政策 ? 用西方经济学原理解释社会现象,及提出相关策略来改变现状等主题 二、要求 课程论文1500字以上,论文写作必须是亲自经过信息搜集、加工整理、合理分析、认真思考和总结之后的结果,只是简单的进行网上摘抄拼凑、没有自己见解的同学将不及格。可事先找任课教师探讨。 三、格式 统一格式如下: 南昌商学院2013~2014学年第 一 学期 经济学概论 期末考查论文 题 目 姓 名: 学 号: 班 级: 成绩 正文: 正文主体是论文或报告的主要组成部分。要求主题鲜明,层次清楚,文字简练、通顺,重点突出,论证充分。论文主体撰写的题序层次采用以下格式: 一、(一)1. (1) 所有标题和段落开始均错后两个小四的汉字。 第一层次题序和标题用小二号黑体字。 第二层次题序和标题用小三号黑体字。 第三层次题序和标题用四号黑体字。 正文标点符号、数字、英文均为中文、半角模式。 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national career qualification education training programme--car detection and maintenance technology professional teaching plans a, and training target and training specifications car detection and maintenance technology professional training oriented car Hou market of car maintenance, and car sales and after-sales service integration enterprise, and and and car using and maintenance about of career field of production, and service, and management line post, training support party of line, adapted car maintenance, and car using front line need, de, and wisdom, and body, and beauty full development, Has good all-around professional ability, knowledge of professional theoretical knowledge and good practice, can successfully enter car market employment, through vocational training, continuing education, self-taught, to continue learning channels to achieve all-round development in all aspects of vehicle inspection and maintenance technology of high quality workers. Through the system of training, so that students have a scientific world Outlook, Outlook on life and the spirit of patriotism, collectivism4 1.6 high vocational designed manufacturing class national caree


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