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新年快乐! Fast - reading 1.What is the article about? English and its history 2.What is the English language made up of? the grammar and vocubulary 3.What are the three kinds of English discussed in the article? 1. Notice ______ and _______ Discussion Nowadays, like English ,Chinese is also changing constantly. With the development of the Internet ,Internet language has come into widespread use, for example “MM”’ refers to “妹妹”,“pp"means “拍马屁”。(Some people are in favor of this change, while others hold the opposite view.)What’s your attitude to this phenomenon? * Reading Unit 2 Module 3 English and its history :-) :–( laugh smile angry nervous happy cry Do you believe that animals can ‘talk’? (Chinese) (English) Happy New Year! Bonne Année! (French) Glückliches Neues Jahr! (German) あけましておめでとうございます! (Japanese) Old English ,Middle English and Modern English 2. Make a _________, listing______________ dates years Reading strategy (P23) time chart important information a ______article history 3: Help you understand the ________of events and how pieces of information ____________ the rest of the text. order relate to Careful reading Careful-reading 1. Before the middle of the ______________,people in Britain didn’t speak English. 2. Modern English began to develop in the__________. 3. Almost everyone in England began to speak Middle English in the ____________. 4. At the end of the _____________,Norwegian words began to be used in the English language. 5. By the _____________________,people in England used Old English as the official language. 5th century 9th century 10th century 14th century 16th century 5th century 16th century 14th century 9th century 10th century By the 10th century, Old English had become 6_____________language of England.. ill Their languages 5___________old English The Vikings 3___________ Britain and4_____________ their languages. At the end of the 9th century Angle/sic



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