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M4 U3 基础知识回顾 一. 单词拼写 1. We looked at the Great Pyramid in a__________, wondering how it was built thousands of years ago. 2. With his son ____________(失望),the old man felt very sad. 3. I was wondering if you could call me at your c_____________ to arrange a meeting. 4. Firefighters could use RealCine to train safely, without the risk of getting i_______ in a burning building. 5. We need to buy new keyboards, mouses and monitors, because some mouses and monitors are not ____________ (起作用,运转)properly. 6. I must have met her before, but her name simply __________(被遗忘) me. 7. All parents want a __________(有保障的) future for their children. 8. He a_________ his boss of having broken his word and had a quarrel with him. 9. This year has seen __________ (令人印象深刻的) development in the economic relationships between the two countries. 10. His test in presenting RealCine encouraged him to become more c____________ of himself. 11. The mother complained to the class teacher that her son was c_____________ surfing the Internet every night. 12. Each of the group is required to make a short p______________ after finishing the project. 二. 选择适当的短语并用其适当形式填空 as to put forward be supposed to be amazed by give out, carry out refer to set up work out fade away accuse…of 1. Her assistant _________ theft by the police last week. 2. The two sides agreed to _________ a commission (委员会)to investigate the explosion (爆炸). 3. All __________ come to the meeting on time. 4. The questions __________ at the meeting are of vital importance. 5. In order to go to school, the 7-year-old boy made money by __________ leaflets in the street. 6. __________ where to go, they haven抰 decided yet. 7. We __________ the change in his appearance. 8. We all hope our memories of pains will _________. 9. He never _________ his sisters in his letters. 10. It抯 not easy to _________ how much it costs to feed the average family. 三. 句型转换 1. VR is an extraordinary technology that deserve


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