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Unit 5 Whose dog is it ?Period 1 Section ALets learn教师寄语:(Think today and speak tomorrow .三思而后行。)Learning aims(学习目标)1. 掌握新单词: his ,hers, theirs, ours, yours, mine .2. 掌握句型: Whose dog is that ? It’s mydog .=The dog is mine.Important difficult points(重难点)能准确的读出和写出新的单词。能理解和运用新单词、句子:Whose dog is it ? It’s yourdog ./The dog is yours .导学探究Step1 :预习温故(用时6分钟)1. Sing a song : When is your birthday ? ( P71)2. T: Which season do you like best ? S: Spring. T: When is April Fool’s Day ? S: It’s on April 1st. T: When is your birthday , Mike ? S1: My birthday is on August 5th. T: Whose birthday is in October? (教师板书这些句型,并强调划线部分)Step 2. 新课内容展示(用时18分钟) Learn words : his, her, their, our, my ,your (老师板书在黑板上)T: Read after me :his book, her pen, their dog , our cat, my book. S: his book, her pen, their dog, our cat ,my book.T: Do you have a pet ? S: Yes ./ No. T: Look at this picture , This is Mike’s dog. This is his dog . The dog is his . Ok, Everybody, follow me “his “ S: “his “ Use the same way to learn other words : hers , theirs, ours, yours, mine.T: Look ! That is my book . The book is mine . http://w ww. xk b1. com T: Whose book is that ? S: It’s Amy’sbook . T: The book is hers . (标有下划线的地方可替换其它单词)4. Listen to the tape and follow reading.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建(用时6分钟)Who is faster? (谁最快)For example :T: It’s your bag . S: The bag is yours . T: It’s my pen . S: The pen is mine .(…)2. Finish P49 of Look, say and complete. Write two sentences .Example : It’s her book. The book is hers .Step 4. 达标检测(用时7分钟)一、连一连,并读一读。mine ours his hers whose yours theirs 他们的谁的我的你的她的他的我们的二、看图片,选句子。根据图片内容在方框中选出正确的句子标号,并将代表答案的字母A、B、C、D、填在横线上。 A. Look! That is his dog. B. Whose rulers are these ? C. It’s their dog. D. Zip’s cat is so cute. E. This is her phone .1.________ 2._______ 3.________ 4.________ 5._________三、快乐二选一,然后在读一读。1. The blue pencil is _________


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