Lecture 2 – Modern Print Media in America.ppt

Lecture 2 – Modern Print Media in America.ppt

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Lecture 2 – Modern Print Media in America

Lecture 2 – Modern Print Media in America Oral English: Mr. Lee Junior Classes 34 Video Production 2 Free Press What Is A Free Press? Protected by the Constitution of the United States Freedom of Press - “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Spin Points of View Variable Perspectives Guaranteed right to disagree “Tell a lie long enough and people will believe it” Spin Doctors Advertising versus Propaganda – Best product Obama– Jobs statistics state 90,000 new jobs Territorial claims national view points Education – Duty to the truth / History Conditions Restrictions Libel Slander Obscenity Profanity Not protected Pornography Community standards Political Free Speech Zones – WTO Seattle / G8 - Toronto No violent over throw No assassination of the President Interests Of The State Spin Slant “You are with us or against us.” G. W. Bush Speaks before the military as Commander in Chief Spin Doctor – Karl Rove Master of Disinformation – Dick Cheney Cloak of Patriotism – Environment of Fear Pride of Nationalism Yellow Cake Uranium Weapons of Mass Destruction Influences On the News Business Newspaper Sales – Subscribers Advertisers – Car Dealers – Real Estate Shareholders – Owners – Murdock Events – Local, National, International People – Royal Family – Prince Harry, Kate Middleton Bad News Sells Better Than No News Created News Probabilities Editorial Policy Freedom Peoples Rights Crime Accused in Sex Crimes – Damages before trial Victims in Sex Crimes – Damages reputation Protection of the Court Gruesome Details National Security Allows for Torture Outing of Agents Lies by Government Corruption A Search For The Truth What Do You Believe? Research Information Compare Facts Think Beyond the Obvious “Read Between the Line” Read


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