Lesson 1 A Material World 1.ppt

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Lesson 1 A Material World 1

A Material World Warm-up Reading Objectives By the end of this lesson, you’ll be able to: find the main idea specific information of a text through reading; role-play an interview; voice your opinion about money and happiness. Warm-up Which verbs can go with money? need earn collect money lend make save borrow spend Listen and match 2 Warm-up 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D earn a good salary be out of work give money to charity Words to explain: 3 Warm-up need/lend/borrow 2. makes/earns 3. spend/save 4. Is collecting Before you start Microsoft investor steel titan telecom retailing the owner of IKEA investor enterpriser 福布斯年度全球富豪排行榜 What’s your first impression of these people ? Before you start Please use your imagination What kind of life do they live? Do they have any worries? Would you like to be a millionaire? Why? An ex-millionaire! Charles Gray is a real person from the USA. 16 years ago he was a university professor and a millionaire. But now, he doesn’t want to be a millionaire any more. Before you start The text is about an ex-millionaire who was pleased to give up the lifestyle of a rich man. Read to learn Words to learn dormitory dormitory building stove furniture Read to learn 2 T or F or NI F 2. NI 3. T 4. T 5. NI 6.F In Search of Happiness Read and complete Ex-millionaire Charles Gray (1) 16 years ago: He was a college professor. He had and . Today: He lives in with furniture. He has a small garden with a few . He grows some and a few . He gets clothes and other things from . $ 2 million a small dormitory room second-hand fruit trees vegetables flowers charity shops a huge six-bedroom house Read and complete Ex-millionaire Charl


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