Lesson 28 Rich or Poor?It Doesn’t Matter!.ppt

Lesson 28 Rich or Poor?It Doesn’t Matter!.ppt

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Lesson 28 Rich or Poor?It Doesn’t Matter!

Lesson 37 Rich or Poor?It Doesn’t Matter! Lead in Talk about the jobs in the future. Would you be a farmer when you grow up? What’s your biggest goal? What makes you happy? Discuss and answer Discuss the questions: What makes you happy ? What makes you sad? What do you want to be ? Why ? Listen and answer . 1.What does Lucas want to be in the future? 2. What’s Alan’s dream? 3. What’s Lucas’ biggest goal? Presentation A farmer. To be a doctor. To be happy. Read quickly and answer the question: 1.What makes Lucas happy? 2. What does he hope to have when he’s older? A great family His work. His family. His friends. Read carefully and fill in the table: Why does Lucas want to be a doctor/lawyer/teacher? A teacher A lawyer A doctor Reasons Ambitions He wants to help people who are sick. Lawyers are rich. He might work in a tall office building… He could see the city from his office. That would be great. He would be happy with his students. That would be fun. 1. Because it is a really important job. why用来提问原因,回答时常用because; because和so不能同时用,但可以转换,because引导的是原因,so引导的是结果。 He couldn’t come to school because he was ill. = He was ill, so he couldn’t come to school. I have to walk because my bike is broken. = My bike is broken, so I have to walk. Language Points 2. I would work in a tall building with an office at the very top. building 名词,“建筑物”;动词为build,“建造”。 Last year, the workers built a tall building in six months. 去年,工人们用六个月建造了一座高楼。 the very“正是这一个、正是那一个”的意思。 He is the very one who told me the story. 他就是那个给我讲故事的人。 3. I wouldn’t give them too much homework on the weekends. too much “太多”, 后加不可数名词。 There is too much water. 有太多的水。 much too “太 ……”,后加形容词或副词。 He is much too fat. 他太胖了。 too many “太多……”,后加可数名词复数。 I have too many things to do today. 今天我有太多的事情要做。 4. A good job and a nice family would make me happy. make sb. do sth. 不定式作宾补, 意为“使某人做某事” He makes me go there. 他要我去那里。 make sb. + adj. 形容词作宾补,意为“使某人……” He makes me happy.他使我快乐。


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