protect wild animals.ppt

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protect wild animals

保护野生动物 I always think that animals are the friends of mankind. They are not so complicated as human beings, and they can bring us plenty of happiness sometimes. 我一直认为动物是人类的朋友,它们不会像人类那么复杂,而且常常给我们带来欢乐。 Animals regard us as their friends, so we should let them enjoy their happy lives too. 动物们把我们当作朋友,我们也应该让它们有一个幸福的生活。 Both the domestic animals and the wild animals are lovely.However, they are being treated cruelly by lots of people at present. I cant understand those people. You may not like animals, even you could hate them, but you have no rights to hurt them 不论是家养动物,还是野生动物,都是很可爱的。可是现在却有那么多人用残忍的手段伤害它们。 我对这种人无法理解。你可以不喜欢它,甚至可以讨厌它,但是你没有权利伤害它。 Every life of the living creatures is equal. Every life of them has the right to live happily. Human beings mustnt hurt those innocent creatures for our personal desire. 每个生命都是平等的,每个生命都有快乐的生活的权利。人类不能为了私欲而伤害那些无辜的生命。 The number of wild animals on the earth is dwindling. 地球上野生动物的数量正日渐减少. Scientists urge that wild animals should be justified protected. 科学家们紧急呼吁,野生动物应得到合理保护。 If we cant protect animals on the brink of extinction,they will extinct... 如果我们不保护濒危的野生动物,它们总有一天会消失的...... in many countries today, laws protect wildlife. 现今, 许多国家都制定了保护野生动物的法律。 More and more people are committed to the protection of wild animals. 越来越多的人致力于野生动物保护。 The protection of wild animals is to protect ourselves. 保护野生动物就是保护我们自己。 Thank you for watching! 庞真 田中清 骆毅 方涵涵 吕中 任忠 制作:


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