new words of unit1, book6.ppt

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new words of unit1, book6

Unit 1, Book 6 New words Expressions 1. Aim (1) n. [U] 瞄准,对准,瞄;[C]目的,意图 His aim is to travel around the world and paint a lot of picutres. (2) v.瞄准,对准,针对(常与介词at连用);(朝某个方向)努力,打算(常与介词at, for连用) My remarks were not aimed at you. Aim (sth) at sb/sth 瞄准 Aim at/for sth 向某个方向努力,力争 Aim at doing sth/aim to do sth 企图/力求做某事 Be aimed at (doing) sth 旨在……,目的在于 With the aim of 以……为目标,意在…… E.g., The project was set up with the aim of helping young unemployed people. 2. typical adj. (1) 典型的;有代表性的 This is a typical example. (2) 特有的,独特的 Her typical way of speaking didn’t change at all. It is typical of sb to do sth 做某事是某人的特点 3. adopt v. (1) 采用,采纳,采取 He dicided to adopt a more radical apprach to the problem. 他决定采取更激进的方法来解决这个问题。 (2) 收养,领养 Having no children of their own, they decided to adopt an orphan. He was 18 when he found out he had been adopted. 4. possess v. 拥有;具有;支配 Rich people wanted to posses their own paintings. What on earth possessed you to do such a thing? Be in possession of …拥有某物,掌握某物 In one’s possession 为某人所拥有 A great /good deal 大量 (1) a great deal 用作副词短语,修饰动词或用来强调比较级;用作名词短语,作主语或宾语 Your friendship means a great deal to me. (2) a great deal of 常用来修饰不可数名词,意思是“大量的,许多”。 A great deal of effort has gone into making the software reliable. 5. attempt (1) vt. 尝试;企图(后跟名词或不定式作宾语) The prisoner attempted an escape but failed. (2) n. 努力;尝试;企图(常与介词at和不定式连用) He made an attempt to cook the dinner. Attempt, manage, try (1) attempt作动词时意为“尝试,企图”,常指虽然付出很大的努力,但不一定成功。后常接名词或动词不定式。 They attempted to carry out a difficult task. 他们试图完成一项艰巨的任务。 (2) manage 意为“设法做到,应付得了”。在口语中与can或be able to连用;后接动词不定式,常指成功地做某事,尤其是困难的事。 He managed to finish his homework in time. (3) try 意为“试图,设法”,指以不同的方法多次进行努力以达到目的,但并不知道成功与否,常用语口语中。 She tried to solve the problem by herself. On the other hand (可是)另一方面(常与on the one hand 对应使用) On the one hand I want to sell the house, but on the other hand I can’t bear the thought of moving. For one thing…for another 一方面……另一方面 6. predict v.预言,预告,预测 Who can predict what painting


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