Module1 Unit1 That_smells_delicious!.ppt

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Module1 Unit1 That_smells_delicious!

quiet 安静的 办公室听起来很安静。 The office sounds quiet. 感官系动词 smell 闻起来 feel 摸起来 taste 尝起来 look 看起来 sound 听起来 1. What smells delicious? A. the pizza B. the cheese C. the chocolate cookies 2. What tastes sweet? A. the pizza B. the cheese C. the chocolate cookies 3. What feels soft and comfortable? A. a coat B. a sweater C. shoes 4. Who looks pretty? A. Lingling B. Sally C. Betty 1. 这菜闻起来好香啊. The dish _______________. 2. 这汤尝起来不新鲜. The soup ______________ fresh. 3. 这毛衣摸起来很软很舒服。 The sweater _______________________. You and your friends are at a party. There is a lot to see, to eat and to drink. And there is also beautiful music. Talk about your feelings and impressions about it. Make a dialogues with your friends. Bye-bye Module 7 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 That smells delicious. Let’s learn new words first! The flower smells sweet. smell v. 闻起来 这花闻起来很香。 fresh a. 新鲜的 这奶酪闻起来很新鲜。 The cheese smells fresh. cheese n. 奶酪 taste v. 尝起来   这小甜饼尝起来很美味。 The cookies taste delicious. cookie n. 小甜饼 sour a. 酸的 The orange juice tastes sour. 这橙汁尝起来很酸。 salty a. 咸的 The salt tastes salty. 这盐尝起来很咸。 tight a. 紧的 这绳子摸起来很紧。 The rope feels tight. feel v. 摸起来,感觉 这玩具摸起来很软。 soft a. 软的 The toy feels soft. sweater n. 毛衣 The sweater feels soft and comfortable. 这毛衣摸起来又软又舒服。 smart 漂亮的 pretty 漂亮的 这小女孩看起来很漂亮。 The little girl looks smart / pretty. lovely a. 可爱的 The girl looks lovely. 这女孩看起来很可爱。 Nose Mouth Hand Eye Ear smell feel sound taste pretty, lovely, strong delicious, fresh, sour comfortable, soft quiet delicious, fresh, strong, sweet, sour, salty 感官系动词的用法 结构:主语+系动词+形容词. look quiet 安静的 salty 咸的 sour 酸的 tight 过紧的 fresh 新鲜的 lovely 可爱的 smart 漂亮的 pretty 漂亮的 soft 柔软的 The cheese smells fresh. + adj. 感官系动词的用法 结构:主语+系动词+形容词. Ⅰ.用恰当的系动词填空 1.This coat ______comfortable .I like it very much. 2. The song _______very beautiful. 3. The girls______ pretty. Ⅱ.我身体不舒服,请帮我来诊断诊断 1. He looks happily.


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