Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture(共29张PPT).ppt

Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture(共29张PPT).ppt

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Unit 1 Me and My Class Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture(共29张PPT)

* * * * * Me and My Class Unit 1 Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture v. 表演,演出 Words perform advise agree glue v. 劝告,忠告,建议 v. 同意 v. 用胶水将物体粘合 n. 胶水 To know about the class picture To learn to describe the class picture with some key words and useful expressions Objectives Words: advise, agree, glue, perform Phrases: look like 看起来像…… agree with 同意…… Patterns: be up to… 由……决定 advise…to do… 建议……去做某事 ? Do you have a favourite photo? Why is it your favourite? Explain. ? What is a class picture? Class pictures Read and circle the correct answers. 1. Wang Mei was wearing (traditional/sports) clothes in her picture. 2. Wang Mei was (singing/dancing) in the picture. 3. Li Ming prepared (two/three) pictures for the class picture. 4. Li Ming chose a picture. In that picture, he was (planting a tree/riding a camel). P5 1 You are wearing traditional clothes. You look like a dancer. 你穿着传统服装,看起来就像一个舞蹈 演员。 He was wearing a brown uniform. 他穿着一件棕色制服。 He put on his jacket and went out. 他穿上夹克走了出去。 wear “穿着(衣服等), 戴着(首饰等)”,强调 状态。 put on “穿上,戴上”,强调动作。 That girl is in red. 那个女孩穿着红衣服。 He looks like his father. 他长得像他的父亲。 in表示“穿着”,与wear意思相同,强调状态,后跟颜色或服装名称的词。 look like… “看起来像,长得像”,后加名词或代词作宾语。 2. You played the erhu, and I performed a dance. 你拉二胡,我表演了一段舞蹈。 play the piano 弹钢琴 play basketball 打篮球 play chess 下象棋 play+ the +乐器,意思是演奏某种乐器。 play+棋类/球类,不加the。 3. He advised me to choose that one. 他建议我选那张。 The teacher advises us to practise English as much as possible. 老师建议我们尽可能多地练习英语。 He advised me not to buy that pair of shoes. 他建议我不要买那双鞋子。 advise sb. (not) to do sth. 建议某人(不要)做某事 4. I like the color in the first picture, but it’s up to you. 我喜欢第一张照片的颜色,但是(选哪张)你做决定。 It is up to Group Two to clean the classroom. 该由二组来负责打扫教室了。 —What shall we have for lunch? —It’s up to you. 我们午饭吃什么? 你决定吧。 It’s up to… 由......决定,由……负责 5. I agree with you. 我同意(你说的)。 I asked him to help me and he agreed. 我请求他帮忙,他同意了。 I agree with what


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