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1. Numbers Convertion In this section, you will convert numbers among binary, decimal and hexadecimal representations. a. Complete the following chart by converting the numbers given in one of the notations to the other two. Show calculations. Binary Decimal Hexadecimal 1011 0111 183 B7 1100 1000 200 C8 1111 15 F 243 F3 219 0xDB 1010110110 694 0x2B6 b. What is the minimum number of bits that can be used to represent the decimal number 1013? (Hint: convert 1013 to binary.) 10 c. What is a purpose of using hexadecimal notation? Answer: Using hexadecimal notation is to express binary values more concisely. Because when we express a value, it will take more digits in binary notation than in decimal notation. d. What is ASCII code? Answer: ASCII code is American Standard Code for Information Interchange. It is the built-in binary code for representing characters in all computers except IBM mainframes and realizes data transmission standardization in vary computer systems. In modern time most mainframe and all PC use it . ASCII code includes two set : Standard ASCII code with 128 characters and Extended ASCII code with 128 characters appended. 2. Computer Speed a.?????? One Hz is one _____ per _____. One Hz is one cycle per second. b.?????? Define IPS. IPS is instructions per second which is a rating of how many instructions can be executed by a processor in a given second. c.?????? Answer the following questions on the relationship of Hz to IPS. i.??????????? Which is a better determiner of speed: MHz or IPS? IPS is a better determiner of computer performance. ii.??????????? Does a high Hz equal a high IPS, and can they be inversely proportional? Explain. A high Hz can indicate that the IPS is high, but they are not directly proportional, but can never be inversely proportional iii.??????????? How is it possible for a machine with a lower clock speed (Hz) to have a higher IPS than a machine with a higher clock speed? An instruction


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