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Finding your way A big day out for my dog 涉吭诵西梧闽巍陈萤汀炸搀锯饲插驹疥偶呈买怀响拓讣效阳鄂姓搜俘辛遥7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar Look! Here is ___ dog. The dog is my good friend. Now he is lying on ____ grass. He doesn’t like staying at home. Because he doesn’t feel comfortable in ___ big cage. He likes staying in ____ open area. a the a an Rules: 1.句子中第一次出现名词时,用an/a,第二次出现时用the 2.a和an”相当于“one” (an用于元音音素前) Rule: 固定搭配 a, an, the 短蜜峨蛔瘪阮憎挂绷吨儡拆傍岿寨么窃遏拢铬武陨驻棠毙剧屿乙累雀柯婶7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar My dog doesn’t look like ____ elephant. He likes travelling very much. Today he will tell us ___ story about ____ day out to ____ zoo. Look! Here is ___ elephant. Look! Here is ____ zoo. an the a a a the 闻茹乒恶赖笆滇闲唁茶宅烛运牧饰斜吞亿譬秆貌椎高闷什化凤杠羚汐雾拂7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar There are ___ lot of animals in ____ zoo. Go across ___ bridge My dog is very happy. He sees different kinds of animals. a panda ____ lion a the a Look, here is___ bridge. the a 酒姑温尝倒嗅誊饮涪陨乡缄塑妙傈那并藏辛柔亮溶氨祥屋蹦链蹿乘谁腋券7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar When my dog is visiting the zoo, he meets with my friend Millie and Daniel. Please finish the dialogue in pairs. a a The the an a a an the the 伊誓蓟吐浙粪沽构坡帘懒辖毁纺嘴勉宣秋壹肺童线羞厉凿瞬列啃坡冲趁京7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar My dog sees many animals in the zoo. Look! Here is ___ giraffe. ____ giraffe is walking. a The 居酉筹政皱哮面眯瀑留箱官箩万茹抢买柒更谱畸芯绝膳甩贱毁臆蓟逼厂竟7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar 小试身手:用a或an填空 ___ lion ___bird ___orange ___“L” ___giraffe ___ old man ___ “u” ___umbrella ___ interesting book ___ hour ___ honest boy a a an an an an an a a an 注意:an是放于元音音素前,而不是元音字母前。 an 男坤蟹巍贷逼砸芹珍碍毡埂沥瘤糙什谣鳞握嗓恼蹈忌挨飞肪孟塘黄辱像障7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar It is a panda . The panda is eating bamboo. It is a monkey. The monkey is eating an apple. It is an elephant. The elephant is walking . It is an apple . The apple is red. How to use “the” 结论: 当我们首次提到某人或某物时, 在前面用不定冠词a/an。 当我们再次提到某人或某物时, 我们在前面加定冠词“the”。 获膨雏遗除让秉塔捌哇缆堂僵矫镇罐容痔盈盏庆感依季腾团淳缠栋摹认恋7BU4Grammar7BU4Grammar 定冠词the的其他用法: 1.the sun 2.the second 3.the old 4.the Greens the piano 6.the


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