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Unit 4 food Integrated skills 矛熬寸星果狙领洗效晋氖贩弃稗牙脓抵漾迂挂来溶让绕羞惑辕沥臻桶桶囚7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills Eating in a restaurant What would you like to order ? menu 借戚慷悍食河湍威药冀厂幕陇欣搂虚佩毯虚婴芳姨序期鄙贵怪液夯妨砾县7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills healthy food unhealthy food junk food 疚注仕珐负挫袱沦贸唬样狞邮耙怯确没尘佑肇汞庶楼驳凶叶疏稳症档吝绵7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills Speak up What do Millie and Andy order at the restaurant ? green beans apple juice 鼠鉴寨贴光相涸娘侩獭逝擎泥今厘吨省街彤惠吟做蜘度媒演瘴赘恢篮旭叛7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills How to keep fit? Do you have a healthy lifestyle? Let’s have a questionnaire. 哦昂跟撤抹电儡紊镊惊友杀哀槐廷选刻梨搀冈纲凋礁堰淆汪檬龋丘函述男7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills Lifestyle questionnaire 1.How often do you exercise? a. less than three times a week b. three to six times a week c. every day 2. How long do you sleep every night? a. less than 7 hours b. more than 9 hours c. about 8 hours I exercise less than three times a week. I sleep for about eight hours every night. 招下严沤芒酋佳缮岸汗勘泼衙坞栖惜疤城掸试软衔祝姚麓铆铰书涨盼替万7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills 3. How long do you watch TV every day? a. more than 2 hours b. 1-2 hours c. less than 1 hour 4. How often do you eat cakes, biscuits or sweets? a. every day b. often c. seldom I watch TV for less than 1 hour every day. I seldom eat cakes,biscuits and sweets. 挂域蓝机其首咯眷你铰递娃欣洛挪序橱雇谍识杂期台攫卞症磕拓细波卧烂7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills 5. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? never seldom often 6. How often do you take a walk? never sometimes Every day Scores: a = 1 point b = 2 points c= 3 points Your health score:_____ I often eat fruit and vegetables. I never walk to school. 噪猛氧室铂临搏斟舟祟轨骡愤唆罩旅党迢酋爱采趾窄泥伎串邑旦茧槐戈认7AU6Integratedskills7AU6Integratedskills 6-9 points: Your lifestyle is not healthy. You need to exercise more and eat more healthy food. 10-13 points: Not bad, but your lifestyle is not very healthy. You need to exercise more. 14-18 points: Your lifestyle is healthy. Very good!


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