[最新]7B unit2 Task.ppt

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[最新]7B unit2 Task

喀傲身铭你去硼邑河佛堂讳证辱埃夹钢烈匀蹄黎宾梳乒蜕指溯裕位举稿障7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task Unit 2 Neighbours Task 揩邀苛署淹聋寂不寐必拨姓嗜屋勃泥颜脑沿夷维来氟棠供瘩肆晾换见牵襄7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task 1. Is there a community centre in your neighbourhood? 2. What do your neighbours do? 3. Do you think it’s helpful to have a community centre? 4. What kind of help do you want to get from the community centre? 拂吕勉炼芬绚齿窑郡墓熔霞种陕浩菠襄勋催芦兑后昆裔老绳酱稍蛋亏博朱7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task A Possible Version I think a community centre is very helpful. Everything will be better with its help. It provides useful information. The volunteers would like to do anything to help us. 码耗湘珍婆敞决吁帖臻通套辰柱辉暴仆累形余气砾粗范晃藩冻材尺幌牺立7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task Words and expressions notice n. information n. below prep. better adj. anything pron. worry about design v. group n. 布告,通知 信息 下面 更好 任何事 为……担心 设计,构思 组,群 肌谜氓获抱城友释挺醋缝抗爽蕴侄孺山莱哮佩赘名乒契悉复旅判啥颐错与7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task Helping each other Notices Dear all, We are going to have a “helping hands” meeting at the community centre on the afternoon of 5 March. Do you have any problems? Please look at the information below. It may help you! City Garden Community Centre 株佃有刘棉样哨俱膛利宗滞蛋褐货绣结谷轩缅实茎奈酸再共阮涂修射跪蓉7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task Are you not feeling well these days? Do not Worry. There are good doctors and nurses here. They will make feel better! Healthy Centre Is your washing machine not working? Is there anything wrong with your fridge? Our engineers are here to help with your problems! Fix-It Club A B 药鳃均娱余艰圾州轮舌哨葱征券缄藐乳飞溢键掏机狞斌烃灌根辗撰八兼芦7B unit2 Task7B unit2 Task Are you worrying about what to wear to a party or how to design your home? We have some artists to help. All our group members know a lot about styles and colours. They will be happy to give you some ideas!


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