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不合格品控制程序 编制:倪英奎 审核: 批准: 发布日期: 2015-X-X 实施日期:2015-X-X 目的: 确保不符合要求的产品得到识别和控制,防止其非预期的使用或交付。 适用范围术语职责图 5.2车间生产、出厂检验不合格品控制流程: 5.3交付使用后发现的不合格品: 5.4退回不合格品控制: 过程描述: 原材料不合格品控制流程: 序号 活动 责部门内责部门内责部门内责部门内负责解释编 Subsequently, the Anhui Army military Special Branch, in Shanghais Central Intelligence Organization and the Communist party organization in Western Zhejiang Province, sent party backbone, respectively, went to Wu Jiangyan opened the Tomb, Tomb of heroic people, under the leadership of the Communist Party, fear no sacrifice and persevering, goal of the anti-Japanese revolutionary struggle. (A) stationed in Taoyuan area (Tomb of) 1, the new army of the Communist Party of China underground organization in September 1938, the CPC Zhuang Shaozhen (Zhuang Zhen, Nanxun people) by the Deputy Director of the political Department of the army on Deng Zihuis dispatch, operating from Jing County, Anhui Province, the Lake reached the Tomb, its tasks are: looking for reliable object, introduce them to the new, to expand the new team. Zhuang Shaozhen KMT-CPC cooperation as an opportunity, after classmates Yao Bi (Nanxun people, Ren Zhuxi force staff Director), introduced into the Kuomintang government political team, and as a political leader. He used this opportunity to invite progressive youth Hong Haiquan form a political team, at this point, the County Government has just been established, local school, unemployed youth are more quickly absorbed sheng, zhenze, Miaogang, Nanxun, huzhou, more than 20 more than required-Japanese youth. In order to raise the level of political players and the ability to work, Zhuang Shaozhen Xu Temple, is for the establishment of youth ... Political activities will soon attract the attention of the Kuomintang. Is early Zhu


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