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第 42 卷 第 1 期:153-162 高电压技术 Vol.42, No.1: 153-162 2016 年 1 月 31 日 High Voltage Engineering January 31, 2016 DOI: 10.13336/j.1003-6520.hve.2016.01.020 基于 Havriliak–Negami 介电弛豫模型的 油纸绝缘状态评估 周利军 1 ,李先浪 1,2 ,王东阳 1 ,江俊飞 1 (1. 西南交通大学电气工程学院,成都 610031;2. 国网重庆市电力公司万州供电分公司,重庆 404100) 摘 要:为了定量分析水分质量分数、温度及绝缘纸聚合度对油纸绝缘频域介电谱的影响,将 HN 介电弛豫模型 用于研究油纸绝缘频域介电谱特性。采用复分析理论和几何方法得到了 HN 介电弛豫模型实部、虚部与其模型参 数的解析式。分别测试了 5 组不同水分质量分数、温度及聚合度油纸绝缘试样的频域介电谱,采用 HN 介电弛豫 模型对介电频谱进行了计算拟合,并分析了水分质量分数、温度及聚合度对 HN 介电弛豫模型参数的影响。结果 表明:弛豫时间常数与水分质量分数、温度、聚合度分别满足对数线性关系、Arrhenius 方程及线性关系;高频介 电常数及其与静态介电常数之差随着水分质量分数、温度、聚合度的增加而增大;形状参数 β 随着水分质量分数、 温度的增加而增大,随着聚合度增大而下降;形状参数 α 的值均落于 0.7~0.9 之间。 关键词:油纸绝缘;频域介电谱;HN 介电弛豫模型;介电响应;状态评估;温度;聚合度;水分质量分数 Status Assessment of Oil-paper Insulation Based on Havriliak Negami Dielectric Relaxation Model ZHOU Lijun1, LI Xianlang1,2, WANG Dongyang1, JIANG Junfei1 (1. College of Electrical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu 610031, China; 2. Wanzhou Power Supply Company of Chongqing Electric Power Corporation, Chongqing 404100, China) Abstract:To quantitatively analyze the influences of changes of moisture content, temperature, and degree of polymeri- zation (DP) on the frequency domain spectroscopy (FDS) of oil-paper insulation ,we introduced the Havriliak-Negami (HN) dielectric relaxation model to research the characteristics of FDS. Analysis formulas of real and imaginary parts of HN dielectric relaxation model were solved based on the geometry method and complex analysis. FDS of five samples with different moisture content, temperature and DP of oil-paper insulation were determined.Moreover, HN dielectric re- laxation model were applied to fitting curves of FDS. The influences of moisture content, temperature and DP on parameters of HN dielectric relaxation model were analyzed. The results reveal that the relationships between relaxation time constant and moisture content, temperature, and DP satisfy the log-linear relationship, Arrhenius equation and l


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