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中国考博辅导首选学校 清华大学考博英语真题长难句 50句 1. Thus in addition to the chances of going away from the right path outlined above, the scientific investigator shares with the ordinary citizen the possibilities of falling into errors of reasoning in the ways we have just indicated, and many others as well. 1、因此除了以上列出的走弯路的可能性外,科学研究者们和普通人一样, 也有在我们刚才提到的思维方式上犯错误的可能性,以及在一些其他的方 面。 2. He made a hole and peering through, could see jewellery, and other objects stacked in piles in the shadows that extended beyond the beam of light penetrating the interior. 2、他掏了个洞往里瞥去,能看见珠宝,在透进去的光线之外的阴影里面, 还有些堆成堆的其他东西。 3. Neither Ayat nor the Rassoul brothers noticed, however, that most of the pieces they were selling were of a type not previously seen in the marketplace—pieces whose existence had been suspected but which had not yet been discovered by archaeologists. 3、阿雅特和罗索尔兄弟都不知道他们销售的大部分都是以前在市场上面没 有人见过的东西——只被人们猜想过它的存在,但从来没有考古学家真正发 现过。 4. “The biggest construction project of this century”, explained French President Francois Mitterand in January, 1986 as he and then British prime minister Margaret Thatcher jointly announced that the two countries would finally 中国考博辅导首选学校 overcome ancient quarrels and prejudices and forge a link across the narrow Channel separating them. 4、1986年 1月,法国总统弗兰西斯· 密特朗解释说:“这是本世纪最大的 建设项目。”当时,他和英国首相玛格丽特·撒切尔一起宣布两国将克服一 直以来的争论和偏见,铺设一条横穿分隔两国的狭长海峡的地下隧道。 5. Perhaps the fact that many of these first studies considered only algae(水藻) of a size that could be collected in a net(net phytoplankton), a practice that overlooked the smaller phytoplankton(浮游植物群落) that we now know grazers are most likely to feed on, led to a de-emphasis of the role of grazers in subsequent research. 5、也学是早期的许多研究只考虑了一种大小足以被浮游植物网采集的水藻, 而这种做法忽略了更小的浮游植物—现在我们知道食草动物很可能以它为 生。这些事实和做法导致了在后面的研究中对食草动物的忽视。 6. The converse observation, of the absence of grazers (食草动物 )in areas of high phytoPlankton(浮游植物群落 )concentration, led Hardy to propose his principle of animal exclusion , which hypothesized that phytoplankton produced a re


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