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Director: Paul McCracken Sherlock Holmes 第一季第一集 A Study in Pink(粉色的研究) Production company: BBC Contents: Film synopsis Character introduction Movie Appreciation Case review 。This TV drama is based on the famous detective novel of the British novelist Arthur Conan Doyle. It took the background from the 19C to the 21 century . The fashion and talent detective Sherlock Holmes with his fantastic assistant John Watson are facing a series of dangerous and unusual events in London. Film synopsis 这部影片是根据英国小说家亚瑟柯南道尔的著名侦探小说。它以19世纪到21世纪作为背景。聪明并且时尚的侦探夏洛克·福尔摩斯和他出色的助理约翰·华生面对的是在伦敦的一系列危险和不寻常的事件 Character introduction: Sherlock Holmes(Benedict Cumberbatch) John Watson?(Martin Freeman) Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective created by author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A London-based consulting detective whose abilities border on the fantastic, Holmes is famous for his astute logical reasoning, his ability to adopt almost any disguise, and his use of forensic science skills to solve difficult cases. Sherlock Holmes: The worlds first consulting detective. He is observant and calm.He is not only good at deduction but also boxing,fencing and violin. In the drama,we can not easily figure out his characters,since he is eternally-changing and polyhedral. Eccentric character(性格怪癖), High IQ(高智商) and almost entirely lacking in socialgraces(缺乏社交礼仪). He likes to do this guesture when thinking about something. 他在思考时总是摆出这个手势。 John Watson ?(Martin Freeman) ? Sherlock‘s flatmate(合租者),friendbest ,partner a?foil (衬托)to Sherlock invalided home from?Afghanistan army doctor Dr.John Watson He is SHs assistant and best friend.He used to be an amy doctor in Afghanistan Dr.John Watson He is SHs assistant and best friend.He has a history of military service as a doctor in Afghanistan. He has strong moral principles. Nerves of steel. Brave, resourceful, practical. Movie Appreciation Case review: 虽然每次被害者都是服毒自杀,但这其实是一起连环谋杀案。 clues: Analysis and reasoning: 受害者:詹妮弗


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