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Unit 3 Is this your pencil? ()’t my pencil. Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 2. 能初步听懂、会说、会读写词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 3. 能初步听懂、会说、会用物主代词my, your。 【教学重难点】 重点 句型:Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. 词汇:school bag, pen, pencil, crayon, ruler, rubber, pencil case 语音:字母r在单词中的读音 难点 句型:Is this /that your pencil? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.的正确读音和语调 词汇:school bag, pencil, crayon, ruler的读音和用法 语音:字母r在单词中的读音 【活动过程】 Activity One: Warming up 1.Greeting T:Hello, boys and girls! Ss:Hello, Miss Li. T: You are good boys and girls. So don’t talk in class, OK? Ss: OK. 2. Sing a song “Don’t talk, Tom!” T:Great! Let’s sing a song, girls sing Tim’s part, boys sing Tom’s part. Let’s PK! Activity Two Learn the new sentences 1. 教授一般疑问句 Is this/that ...及肯定回答Yes, it is和否定回答No, it isn’t. a. Free talk T: Look! What’s this? (拿一本学生的英语书) Ss: It’s a book. T:Is this an English book? Ss: Yes T: What’s that?(拿一本学生的语文或数学书) Ss: It’s a book, too. T: Is that an English book? Ss: No. b. 教授句型 出示句型 一般疑问句:Is this/that a/an ...? 肯定回答Yes, it is. 否定回答No, it isn’t. 1)老师出示所学单词卡片进行操练 2)PPT出示图片,根据图片同桌练习 c. Free talk T: xxx. Is this your English book? S1: No, it isn’t. T: Oh,xxx. Is this your English book? S2: Yes, it is. T:Boys and girls, is this his/her book? Ss: Yes, it is. T: Here you are. S2: Thank you. d. 教授句型 出示句子 一般疑问句:Is this/that your/his/her...? 回答: Yes, it is. No, it isn’t. PPT出示图片,根据图片同桌练习句型 2. 教授词汇 T: Is this your rubber? S: Yes it is. T: What else do you have on your desk? 教授词汇:ruler, pencil Show a schoolbag and ask student: T:What’s this? ...Yes, it’s a schoolbag. 教授schoolbag school+bag= schoolbag 比较hot+dog= hotdog T: What’s in my school bag? xxx, please come here and open it. Touch, take out and say! S: ... 教授pencil case, pen, crayon. a. Read words- high and low voice. b. 拼读 c. 老师拿讲台上从书包里拿出来的学习用品,让学生大声说。 3. Practice 出示模板:A:What’s this/th


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