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How old are you? Unit5 8 seven six 7 10 9 one two three four five Magic eyes魔力眼 Game time: 规则:如果看到单词和数字时,请大声读出来, 如果看到 ,一起拍手说:“out” 8 7 10 9 Magic eyes魔力眼 Game time: 规则:看到两个数字时请同时读出来,并且用and连接,如one and ten 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 5 8 7 3 2 Magic brain魔力大脑 Guess how old is the panda? The panda is… Magic brain魔力大脑 Guess how old is the cat? The cat is… Magic brain魔力大脑 Guess how old is the dog? The dog is… Magic brain魔力大脑 Guess how old is the monkey? The monkey is… Magic brain魔力大脑 Guess how old is the rabbit? The rabbit is… 小动物们正在过生日,如果你也加入他们,你能做些什么? give presents 送礼物 eat a cake 吃蛋糕 sing a song 唱首歌 a cake a ____ cake 一个漂亮的蛋糕 nice What a nice cake! 多么漂亮的蛋糕啊! Let’s learn What a nice…! 多么漂亮的一个… 如果今天是你的生日派对,你会做些什么? make a wish 许个愿望 I want… 我想要 Let’s learn Who is he? How old is Sam? What does Sam want? 山姆想要什么? Let’s watch How old is Sam? What does Sam want? 山姆想要什么? 1、How old is Sam? 2、What does Sam want? 山姆想要什么? watch and answer Sam is two. A robot, a toy car and… Let’s watch How do they feel? 他们的心情怎么样? At first开始 happy开心的 At last最后 unhappy不开心的 Why? 为什么? Let’s learn It’s time for the cake. 是吃蛋糕的时候了。 It’s time for … 是…的时候了 Listen and repeat Happy Birthday, Sam! What a nice cake! How old are you, Sam? I’m two. Make a wish, Sam. I want a robot. I want a toy car. I want… Sam! It’s time for the cake! 注意朗读的语音语调和心情! Let’s dub 分角色 表演对话 齐读对话 分角色朗读对话 Let’s show 选搭档跟读 选一种方式和你的同桌相互练习一下! * *


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