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Some boys and girls are talking about their animal friends. Who are they? a mouth a nose hair eyes ears an arm 一只手臂 a leg 一条腿 a foot 一只脚 feet(复数) a body 一个身体 One is blue, the other is red. 一个是蓝色的,另一个是红色的。 mother brother an arm 一只手臂 a leg 一条腿 a foot 一只脚 feet(复数) a body 一个身体 Quick response(快速反应) Touch your… (触摸你的……) a tail a wing 一只翅膀 一条尾巴 We have no tails or wings. 我们没有尾巴也没有翅膀。 They have no legs or arms. 它们没有腿也没有手臂。 Think and say(想想说说) What animal has a tail?(什么动物有尾巴?) 2. What animal has wings?(什么动物有翅膀?) The … has a tail. The… has wings. Tip1: 单个动物时,表示有,用has,超过一个时,用have。 如:The dog has a nose Dogs have noses. Nancy Watch and match rabbit 兔子 parrot 鹦鹉 Read and write(根据课文内容填空) eyes bodies tails ears tail ears tail mouth tail wings Tip2 : 同学们,我们可以迅速到文中找出关键句来帮助答题哦! Reading time! Choose one way to read the text.(四人小组任选一种方式朗读课文。) 1. Read in roles. 小组成员分角色朗读。 2. Read together. 小组齐读。 3. Read by yourselves. 自己自由朗读。 brown big eyes, big ears and a big nose. It has two arms, two legs and a long tail. My animal friend jump, run and dance Can you introduce your animal friend to us? 你能向同学们介绍你的动物朋友吗? Loving animals is loving ourselves. 爱动物就是爱人类自己。 Homework: 1. Listen and read the text after the tape. 2. Write a riddle about your animal friend. Share it with us tomorrow. Thanks! Bye!


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