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Unit 3 Asking the way (Story time) *教学目标: 1.在情景中,整体理解Story time内容。并能听懂、会说、会读对话中出现的词汇:take, station, walk, bookshop, along, ask the way, get to, get on/off, turn right/left, next to, traffic light, on your right/left. 2.能听懂、会说、会读句型:How do I get to...? You can... Go along this street. Turn left/right at the traffic lights. You can see...on your right.并理解句型的意思。 3.能够在理解的基础上流利地朗读课文。 4.能尝试用第一人称复述去苏海家的路线。 Step1 Pre-story Moon Street Sun Street SHs home City Library Free talk How does Su Hai go to school? Where does she live now? Step2 While-story ask the way 问路 Story time How does Yang Ling get to Su Hais home? 1.She can take the . A. metro B. bus 2.Which station(车站) can she get on ? A. At City Library Station B. At Park Station 3.Whats next to Su Hais home? A. A library B. A bookshop She can get on the metro at Park Station and get off at City Library Station. Listen and choose M Read and underline 细读P26,划出问路和指路的句子。 Look and retell Read and judge 快速阅读P27引言,判断下列句子是否正确。 Yang Ling is on Moon Street now. Yang Ling is can find out the bookshop. Yang Ling asks a policeman for help. Moon Street A D C B Read and find Sun Street 自主阅读P27对话,找出bookshop的位置。 Yang Ling turn left traffic lights turn right bookshop Go along this street. Turn right at the traffic lights. Then, go along Moon Street. You can see the bookshop on your right. Watch and imitate Read and match a e d c b Step3 Post-story Happy tasks Dub for it in 4s. 4人配音。 Act it in 4s. 4人分角色表演。 Read the story in 4s. 4人朗读。 Look and say 如果你是杨玲,你现在能说说去苏海家的路线了吗? First, I get on the metro at park Station. Next,... Then, Im on Sun Street. I walk along... I’ve got _______ stars. Ticking time I can understand


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