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Unit 2 A new student (Culture&Cartoon time) 学校______________ 班级______________ 姓名______________ 【教学目标】 知识目标: ①能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词②能听懂、会说和会读单③能听懂、会说、’re so heavy, Sam. 2. 能力目标: 理解Cartoon time内容正确,流利,有感情的朗读表演。情感目标: 【课前准备】 常规预习:听Unit部分录音,理解其意思。预习导学:①. It’s time to + 动词 例句: It’s time to go to school. It’s time for + 名词 例句: It’s time for school. ②. so 和 too 的区别 so:如此,那么 too:太 ③. Let’s +动词原形 例句:Let’s play a game. (2) 词汇导学 in the playground 在操场上 on the swing 在秋千上 go and play 去玩 push me 推我 so heavy 如此重 too high 太高 stop 停止 great fun 很有趣 go home 回家 play again 再玩一次 (3) 文化导学 在英国,一楼叫ground floor,在美国,一楼叫first floor. 3. 预习自测:【课堂活动】 Step 1 “Yes or no” (2) Look and say A: Is there a /any…?? ? A: Are there any…?? ? B: Yes, there is. / B: Yes, there are. / No, there isn抰. No, there aren抰. Step 2 Presentation Cartoon time T: Is there a swing in the playground? Show the picture and teach: a swing S: Yes, there is. T: Oh, look at this playground, there is a swing in it too. Bobby and Sam want to play it. But can Bobby push Sam? (Teach: push) Watch and choose Bobby can’t push Sam. Why? Sam is so heavy. (Teach: heavy) ③Read and answer How is Bobby? How is Sam? ④Listen and repeat (Teach: stop, high, great) ⑤Let’s read ⑥Let’s act ⑦Let’s find Tips: 1. It’s time for + 名词 例句:It’s time for school. 2. It’s time to + 动词 例句:It’s time to go to school. Culture time Look at the pictures. In the UK, this is the ground floor. In the US, this is the first floor. ② Read and think Step 3. Homework 1. Recite the story. 2. 完成课后延伸。 Step 4 当堂检测 ’s time _______ _______ _______ . It’s time _______ _______. 3.这些苹果是如此的大。 These _______ are _______ big. 4. —“你们班上有多少个学生?” —有五十个。” — many are there in your class? — There fifty. 5.停止!太高了! _______ ! It’s ______ high! 3 _______________________________


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