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直译法 Literal translation In Chinese, bee means busy and hardworking. So “as busy as a bee”,直译为。像蜜蜂一样忙碌” 又如:“as cunning as a fox”可直译为“像狐狸一样狡猾”;“as happy as a lark’译为“像百灵鸟一样快乐”。 wolf down狼吞;crocodile’s tears鱼的眼泪;as stubborn as mule犟驴 意译法 Free translation (1)A woman will turn.[谚]如果被逼太甚,最温顺的也会反抗。 (2)Never offer to teach fish to swim [谚]不要班弄斧。 (3)He drinks like a fish。他喝起酒来不要命。 (4)She had a rather sheepish smile.她笑起来很害羞的样子 舍弃形象意译法 Free translation without images 做牛做马:slave for sb.Without complaints 效犬马之劳:serve one’s master faithfully 执牛耳:win first 老马识途:profit by the experience 人穷志短,马瘦毛长:Poor men have no souls.A light purse makes a heavy hear. 做人挨磨,做牛被拖:Everyone suffers his afflictions. 塞翁失马,焉知非福:Life is toil. Misfortune may be a blessing in disguise. 转换形象归化法 非驴非马:neither beast nor bird 牛饮:drink like a fish/horse 杀鸡用牛刀:break a fly on a wheel 害群之马:The black sheep/the rotten apple 露马脚:let the cat out of the bag/show the hove feet 壮如牛:as strong as a horse 移植形象阐释法 千里驹 a fine race pony use describe a brilliant young man. 做牛马 live like oxen and horses-beasts of burden 钻牛角尖:get into the tip of a bull’s home,meaning take an—necessary pains to study an insignificant or insoluble problem. A ragged colt may make a good horse.丑驹可以长成骏马,比喻后生可畏。 a mare’s nest:母马的巢,比喻子虚乌有的事情。 Trojan horse:特洛伊木马,比喻包藏祸心的礼物 Translation Strategies Towards Animal Words 2010级师范6班 陈佳 王欢 Outline Animal Words Same words same meanings Same words Different meanings Different words same meanings Cultural blank Same words with same meanings Fox (cunning, sly):表示“阴险、狡诈” a sly/crafty old fox 狡猾的老狐狸 The fox is known for its cleverness and cunning. 狐狸的基民和狡猾是人所共知的 Same words with same meanings Snake (slithery, harmful): 表示“滑头、危险” A snake in the grass. 阴险而伪善的朋友 The snake in the grass reported me to the boss. 那个口蜜腹剑的家伙到老板那里告了我一状。 Duck (stupid) a dead duck 被放弃的或将失败的计划 a lame duck 处于困境无法自理的人 a sitting duck 容易攻击和欺负的人或事物 Same words with same meanings Same words with same m


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