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Americas Aerospace Quality Group AAQG Project Management AAQG Project #61 (IAQG REQ-009) IAQG 9101:2009 Revision - Quality Management System Assessment Reported by: Tony Marino Date of Report: 2009-March-11 What happened and where is 9101? Released in October 2008 for ballot AAQG writing team members did not agree it was ready. Consulted with AAQG leadership to release or move for sector rejection – decision for sector rejection. Primary Issues Writing was a balanced writing addressing both Conformity and Effectiveness. Writing structure – too confusing. Contained guidance material. Differences of opinion on what could be changed during and after ballot. Document revisions have been made and process of finalization for ballot. IAQG REQ-009 Working Group Members 9101: Revision Objectives Development Model for a Process-Based 9101 9101: Major Changes Review 9101: What has not changed Determining conformance to the standard. Nonconformance discovered during the audit are to be documented and must be closed before certification. Based on information collected during the assessment, the auditor will have to draw conclusions on conformance of the organization quality management system. Note: Conclusions on effectiveness are new Issue of a coordination draft : 30 June 2008 (Limit date for comments : 7 July 2008) Review of the comments (8-11 July in Amsterdam) 450 comments received, 233 accepted, 15 partially accepted 126 comments reviewed and disposition from ballot rejection (January 9-12, 2009 in Huntington Beach 9101 Status Update Ballot version published 26 September 2008 Results of ballot: APQAG : passed, with comments AAQG: rejected, with comments EAQG: France: passed, as is Germany: rejected, with comments Italy: passed, as is UK: passed, as is Switzerland: abstention, no experts Sweden (VAC): passed, with comments 9101 team conclusion: address the comments and go for 2nd ballot Feedback summary 126 detailed comments received Dispositions 126 comments rece


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