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科 研 训 练 题 目:基于LabVIEW和单片机的串行通信 专 业: 班 级: 学生姓名: 目 录 Abstract II 1引言 1 2系统硬件结构 2 2.1 系统硬件构成及通信的建立 2 2.2串口VI介绍 2 2.3 通信程序设计 2 2.3.1上位机串口通信程序设计 3 2.3.2下位机串口通信程序设计 5 3 结论 6 摘 要 其图形化编程改变了20 年来测试、测量和控制应用程序的开发过程。NI LabVIEW 可使以往复杂的数据采集工作变得非常简便,能迅速、经济地连接测量与控制硬件、分析数据、共享结果并发布系统。LabVIEW 使用简单而容易上手, 只需一台计算机就可以运行LabVIEW,当需要实现测量和控制时,通过添加数据采集卡,就可实现对被控对象的数据采集、动态显示和实时控制[2]。由于LabVIEW 是美国NI 公司开发的工业软件, 它可识别NI公司的数据采集卡,但对其它公司的采集卡不具有很好的兼容性。另外,数据采集量较少时,使用采集卡也是一种资源的浪费。而利用计算机本身的串行接口,通过LabVIEW,实现计算机与带有串行接口外设的通信,采集数据,进一步实现测量或控制,在工程上很有实际意义[3]。本研究旨在实现LabVIEW 的串 行通信,并设计串行通信的控制界面,以验证其可行性[4-5]。 关键词: Abstract As a powerful industrial software, LabVIEW is not only widely accepted by industries, but also draws attentions from researchers and students in institutes and colleges. LabVIEW is now commonly used in industrial tests, measurements and controls. Based on LabVIEW, which is a graphic programming software developed by National Instruments (NI), a serial communication interface is designed with the help of VISA-Run Time components.The communication interface features rational configuration and simple operations. At the same time, it provides serial port setting, communication setting, data combination, data clearing, automatic sending and byte counting to send and receive as well as saving and reading of transmitted data. Finally, two computers with RS -232 serial ports are connected to test the interface and functions. The result shows that the control interface works well and realizes serial communication between computers in LabVIEW framework. Furthermore, it also indicates that LabVIEW may be used for serial communication, which enriches and expands LabVIEW applications. Key Words: LabVIEW; MCU ; serial communication; VISA Runtime 1引言 NI LabVIEW 是一个标准的数据采集和仪器控制软件[1],其图形化编程改变了20 年来测试、测量和控制应用程序的开发过程。NI LabVIEW 可使以往复杂的数据采集工作变得



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