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华师《英语语言学概论》在线作业 阅读理解 一、单选题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) 1. Th smnti omponnts of th wor “gntlmn” n xprss s __. . +nimt,+ml,+humn,-ult . +nimt,+ml,+humn,+ult . +nimt,-ml,+humn,-ult . +nimt,-ml,+humn,+ult 正确答案: 2. Th pir of wors “ln”n “orrow”r ___. . grl opposits . rltionl opposits . o-hyponyms . synonyms 正确答案: 3. Th formtion of nw wors y omining prts of two wors or wor plus prt of nothr is ll _____. . lning . lipping . ronymy . ompouning 正确答案: 4. __ls with th wy in whih lngug vris through gogrphil sp. . Linguisti gogrphy . Lxiology . Lxiogrphy . Soiolinguistis 正确答案: 5. Th sription of lngug t som point in tim is ________ stuy. . ihroni . synhroni . sriptiv . prsriptiv 正确答案: 6. oring to th syntti onstrution nlysis, simpl sntn suh s “John is stunt.” longs to __________onstrution. . nontri . xontri . oorint . suorint 正确答案: 7. omponntil nlysis is mtho of nlyzing________ mning. . sntn . lxil . grmmtil . uttrn 正确答案: 8. Th sntn tht hs NP n VP n shown in _______ formul “S→NP VP”. . hirrhil . linr . tr igrm . vrtil 正确答案: 9. s w know, vry spkr hs his own pt wors n xprssions n spil wy of xprssing his is in lngug. This lngug vrity of iniviul usrs is ll ______. . iiolt . rgionl ilt . tmporl ilt . soil ilt 正确答案: 10. wor with svrl mnings is ll __wor. . polysmous . synonymous . n norml . multipl 正确答案: 华师《英语语言学概论》在线作业 阅读理解 二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 30 分。) 1. Thr r othr hnnls, sis lngug, for ommuniting our thoughts, so lngug is only on spt of smiotis. . 错误 . 正确 正确答案: 2. Th notion of infltion just inits th mnifsttion of grmmtil rltionships, rthr thn lxil ons, through th ition of infltionl ffixs. . 错误 . 正确 正确答案: 3. Th Lonon Shool propos funtionl pproh towrs th onpt of phonm, n N. Trutzkoy m th grtst ontriution to th rlt stuy. . 错误 . 正确 正确答案: 4. iltl synonyms n oftn foun in iffrnt rgionl ilts suh s ritish nglish n mrin nglish ut nnot foun within th vrity itslf, for xmpl, within ritish nglish or mrin nglish. . 错误 . 正确 正确答案: 5. rivtion hngs lwys rsult in h


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