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2010高考英语《语法》专题复习系列课件;14《基本词法句法梳理》; 词法学习 1。动词 (1)行为动词 ①??? I stayed at home and did some work. 我呆在家里做些事。 ②??? I’ve just had a coffee, thanks. 谢谢,我刚刚用过咖啡。 ;③?It has not yet been announced who will judge the case. 谁来判这个案子还没有宣布。 ④I don’t know how to dress right. 我不知道怎样穿着得体。 ;⑤?Don’t expect money to buy you happiness. 别指望拿金钱去买快乐。 ⑥??? He was killed doing his duty. 他以身殉职。 ;⑦?? Organizations hope to improve the public’s environmental awareness. ;(2)???? 持续动词;③ She wore a new dress for the ceremony.;⑤ He came round earlier but he only stayed for a few minutes.;(3)???? 及物动词;③?? It puzzled me why she agreed to come when she is so busy.;(4)???? 不及物动词;③ The sun rises when it appears above the horizon. ; ⑥ I could see people moving to and for in the square.;(5)???? 及物与不及物动词;(6)???? 反身动词;(7)???? 系动词;③?? The problem seems quite simple. ;⑤?? Don’t marry too young. ;(8)???? 表感觉知觉动词;(9)???? 表心理动词;③?? I don’t think he is right. ;(10)? 表关系动词;③?? Who does the house belong to ? ;(11)? 表情感动词 ;③?? I detest him complaining. ;⑤?? My husband hates going shopping. ;(12)? 短语动词;③?? The prize is 500 dollars, which works out to about 4,000yuan. 奖品是500美元,折合人民币约为4000元。 ④?? My rent was paid for six months in advance. 我预付出了六个月的房租。;⑤?? The tricks were meant to be seen only once. ;⑧?? We are taking proper advantage of our opportunity. ;2.?? 动词时态 ;③ Don’t eat so many sweets, or your teeth will get worse.;⑤ I’ve come only for a few moments. ;⑦ It was raining heavily then. 那时正下着大雨。 ⑧ I wonder what you are doing now. 我想知道你在干什么。;⑨ Children will be taking their holidays soon. ; 11.What have you been doing all this time ? 你一直在干什么?;13.Don’t worry, he will have forgotten all about it soon. 别着急, 他会很快把所有这一切忘记的。 14.He told us that the party would have arrived by two o’clock. 他告诉我这一行人两点钟以前到达。;15. I shall have been working in the company for 4 years by the end of this year. 到今年底我在本公司已经工作四年。 16. I suppose that the play would have been running


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