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第 43卷第 7期 2015年 7月 同 济 大 学 学 报(自然 科 学 版) J0URNAL OF TONGJI UNIVERSITY(NAH『RAI.ScI CE) Vo1.43 No.7 Ju1.2015 文章编号:0253—374X(2015)07-1039—06 DOI:10.11908/j.issn.0253—374x.2015.07.012 基于线结构光的水泥混凝土路面错台三维检测 李 伟 ,沙爱民 ,孙朝云 ,郝雪丽 (1.长安大学 信 gT程学院,陕西 西安 710064;2.长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064) 摘要:提出了一种基于线结构光的错台三维检测方法.激光 器发出的线结构光垂直入射到路面上,然后由电荷耦合元件 (CCD)相机拍摄经路面漫反射形成的光束 ,实现原始数据采 集.依据激光三角法计算出路面三维高度数据,并对三维数 据特征和错台形状进行分析 ,提出了致密错台量计算方法, 可得到平均错台量和最大错 台量.结果表明:91 的错台三 维检测结果与直尺测量结果绝对误差在 2 mm内. 关键词:水泥混凝土路面;错台检测;线结构光;三维检测 中图分类号:U414.75 文献标志码:A Joint Faulting Three-dimension Detection Method on Cement Concrete Pavement with Line-structure Light LIWei ,SHAAimin ,SUNZhaoyun ,HAOXueli (1.School of Information Engineering,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,China;2.School of Highway,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,China) Abstract:In order to realize the accurate detection of joint faulting on cement concrete pavement, a kind of three— dimension detection method based on line—structure light was proposed.The structured light emitted from laser irradiated vertically on the road and the charge—coupled device(CCD) camera captured the beam which was formed by the pavement diffuse reflection.SO as to realize the data acquisition.Then, the road three—dimension information was calculated based on laser triangulation algorithm. According to the three— dimension information data characteristics and the shape of cement concrete pavement joint faulting,me dense joint faulting value calculation method was proposed.The average value and maximum value of joint faulting were obtained. Experiment results show that 91% of the absolute error between three—dimension method results and measurement results by ruler iS within 2 mm. Key words: cement concrete pavement; joint faulting detecting;line-structure light;three.-dimension detection 目前,常用的错台量检测方法有人工法和自动 检测法.人工法有佐治亚电子错台仪检测法_1]和美 国国家公路与运输协会(AASHTO)[2-3]提出的测量 方法.这两种方法速度慢,交通干扰大,人为主观性 强,精度低,并且由于采样点数的限制,对于斜平行 错台、梯形错台、交叉错台等变形类错台存在无法表 征的缺陷.马荣贵E ]建立了一种路面纵断面三



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