Competition-induced shifts of spectral peaks in photon coincidence spectroscopy.pdf

Competition-induced shifts of spectral peaks in photon coincidence spectroscopy.pdf

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Competition-induced shifts of spectral peaks in photon coincidence spectroscopy

a r X i v : q u a n t - p h / 0 0 1 1 0 7 9 v 4 1 1 N o v 2 0 0 3 Competition–induced shifts of spectral peaks in photon coincidence spectroscopy Levente Horvath and Barry C. Sanders Department of Physics, Macquarie University, Sydney, New South Wales 2109, Australia (Dated: Received: 2000 / Revised version:) We show that shifts in locations of two–photon coincidence spectral peaks, for a bichromatically– driven two–level atom passing through a single–mode cavity, are due to competition between excita- tion pathways for a Jaynes–Cummings system. We also discuss an analogous shift of (single–photon) spectral peaks for a driven three–level ∨–system, which demonstrates that competition between ex- citation pathways is also important in this simple system. PACS numbers: 42.50.Ct, 42.50.Dv I. INTRODUCTION Cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) has contin- ued to develop rapidly, driven both by recent experimen- tal successes and by the promise of exciting new appli- cations. Advances in atom cooling techniques, as well as development of high–Q optical cavities with large–dipole coupling, have enabled testing of the strong–coupling regime of CQED [1] as well as the trapping of single atoms in optical cavities [2, 3]. Applications of CQED, especially for such applications as the quantum logic gate [4], rely critically on entangle- ment between the field degree of freedom and the inter- nal electronic state of the atom [5, 6]. This entanglement is not only challenging to achieve, it is also difficult to probe. In the optical regime of CQED, photon coinci- dence spectroscopy (PCS) has been proposed as a feasible and unambiguous method for detecting genuine quantum phenomena in CQED. This technique employs a bichro- matic (or multichromatic) driving field acting on the combined atom–cavity system and detects two–photon (or multiphoton) decays, respectively, by registering pho- ton coincidences in the cavity field emission [6, 7, 8]. The simplest case of PCS is two–photon


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