Economic analysis of drought risk An application for irrigated agriculture in Spain.pdf

Economic analysis of drought risk An application for irrigated agriculture in Spain.pdf

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Economic analysis of drought risk An application for irrigated agriculture in Spain

E i M a b a A R A A K D I E M 1 i t a m ( m t T r t m t t o g n T 0 dAgricultural Water Management 98 (2011) 823–833 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Agricultural Water Management journa l homepage: www.e lsev ier .com/ locate /agwat conomic analysis of drought risk: An application for irrigated agriculture n Spain arina Gil a, Alberto Garridoa,?, Almudena Gómez-Ramosb Research Centre for the Managament of Agricultural and Environmental Risks (CEIGRAM), Technical University of Madrid, Spain University of Valladolid, Spain r t i c l e i n f o rticle history: eceived 10 February 2010 ccepted 16 December 2010 vailable online 3 February 2011 eywords: rought rrigation a b s t r a c t This paper describes a two-part methodology for managing the risk posed by water supply variability to irrigatedagriculture. First, aneconometricmodel isused toexplain thevariation in theproductionvalueof irrigated agriculture. The explanatory variables include an index of irrigation water availability (surface storage levels), a price index representative of the crops grown in each geographical unit, and a time variable. The model corrects for autocorrelation and it is applied to 16 representative Spanish provinces in termsof irrigated agriculture. In the secondpart, the fittedmodels are used for the economic evaluation of drought risk. Inflow variability in the hydrological system servicing each province is used to perform ex-ante evaluations of economic output for the upcoming irrigation season. The model’s error and theconomic risk onte Carlo simulation probability distribution functions (PDFs) of the reservoirs’ storage variations are used to generate Monte Carlo (Latin Hypercube) simulations of agricultural output 7 and 3 months prior to the irrigation season. The results of these simulations illustrate the different risk profiles of each management unit, which depend on farm productivity and on the probability distribution function of water inflow to reservoirs. The potential


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